Technology, IT and engineering are male-dominated industries. However, multiple companies and organizations are aiming to introduce more diversity by providing the education and training women need to enter these fields. Scholarships and grants can open doors typically closed to many women, especially with the rising costs of BA, Masters and Ph.D. courses in the UK and Europe. (England’s tuition fees, in particular, are the most expensive in the world.) To help you get started, we have gathered details on 17 of the best technology, IT and engineering scholarships for women in 2019-2020 below, covering the UK and countries within the EU.
#1. Amazon Women in Innovation Bursary
Amazon’s Women in Innovation Bursary aims to help empower more women from less-advantaged backgrounds with the education they need to enter the tech industry. Recipients can get up to £30,000 per year to fund their studies and will be provided with mentoring from an Amazon staff-member. Interviews for Amazon internships are guaranteed, too. This is available through numerous universities, including the University of Edinburgh and Churchill College Cambridge. Learn more here.
#2. Booking.com Women in Technology
Booking.com, one of the biggest online travel businesses in the world, offers the new Booking.com Women in Technology Scholarships. This initiative lasts two years and aims to provide the support women interested in technology-focused employment need. Funding is available through partnerships with the University of Oxford and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Learn more here.
#3. Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship
Adobe is a major name in software, and their Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship is available to female students based anywhere across the globe. It offers a single payment towards tuition fees, a Creative Cloud subscription membership for 12 months, an Adobe Research mentor and a chance to interview for an Adobe internship. Learn more here.
#4. University of Twente Scholarships (UTS)
The University of Twente Scholarships (UTS) are open to students applying to undertake a Masters programme at the institution from EU and non-EU nations. There are two types of scholarship: the Professor de Winer Scholarship and Kipaji Scholarship. Qualifying Master’s courses include Business Information Technology, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and many more. Learn more here.
#5. ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships
The ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships were created for Master’s students. Two programmes are available: the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) and the Master Scholarship Programme (MSP). The ESOP includes a grant for study and living costs along with a waiver for tuition fees. The MSP is a partial stipend for study and living payments with a tuition fee waiver. Learn more here.
#6. Brunel University London Women in Engineering Programme
Female graduates and undergraduates looking to enter the computing or engineering industries can apply for the Women in Brunel Engineering and Computing (WiBEC). This includes a mentoring scheme, industry visits and personal development training. Learn more here.
#7. Sky Women in Technology
Sky launched its Women in Technology Scholars grant in 2017. This provides three women between ages 18-25 with the funding and mentoring to create a bespoke tech project. Applicants must have a passion for technology but are free to focus on a huge variety of areas. Learn more here.
#8. Science Ambassador Scholarship
Believe it or not, the Science Ambassador Scholarship is funded by Cards Against Humanity (a popular card-based game with a very ‘adult’ tone). This is a full-tuition scholarship for any women studying science, tech, engineering or math, and it is available for non-US citizens, too. Learn more here.
#9. Iflexion Scholarship Program
The Iflexion Scholarship Program provides modest funding to undergraduates and postgraduate students studying in EU countries (and further afield). Applicants are required to write a short essay to demonstrate their skills. Learn more here.
#10. Warsaw University of Technology Scholarship for Foreign Students
The Warsaw University of Technology Scholarship for Foreign Students will receive financial support. Applications are open to EU citizens with permission to reside in Poland, refugees and migrant workers. This university is one of Central Europe’s biggest technology institutions. Learn more here.
#11. University of Edinburgh Masters Scholarships in High Performance Computing
Women of all nationalities are invited to apply for this scholarship. Two or more John Fisher HPC Masters scholarships cover 50 percent of students’ tuition fee rate for one academic year. Learn more here.
#12. Royal Holloway University of London Donald Davies Computer Science Scholarships
The Royal Holloway University of London Donald Davies Computer Science Scholarships (taking their name from Donald Davies, the famed computer scientist) offers £1,000 in applicants’ first study year. This may be renewed at 50 percent its value in second, third and fourth academic years. Learn more here.
#13. Women Techmakers Scholars Program
Originally known as the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Program, the Women Techmakers Scholars Program is open to women from Europe, North America, the Middle-East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Scholarships are awarded based on women’s academic performance and include invitations to the large Women Techmakers Scholars’ Retreat (featuring valuable workshop and networking opportunities). Learn more here.
#14. Queen Mary University of London Science and Engineering Excellence Scholarships
These scholarships provide women with £3,000 per year for each academic year. Renewal criteria must be met, and dozens of eligible programmes are available, including Computer Systems Engineering, Information Technology Management for Business, Multimedia and Arts Technology and more. Learn more here.
#15. University of Birmingham Scholarships in Computer Science
The University of Birmingham School of Computer Science provides scholarships for undergraduates and postgraduates for EU and international women. These are awarded to applicants who have achieved (or expect to) ‘excellent’ results. Learn more here.
#16. Center for Cyber Safety and Education Scholarships
The Center for Cyber Safety and Education women's scholarships are worth up to $40,000. This is open to anyone already pursuing (or planning) a cybersecurity/information assurance degree. Women from any country are invited to apply, and US citizenship is not essential. Attendance may be in the United States or internationally. Learn more here.
#17. Cyber Security and Forensics MSc at University of Westminster
This MSc course covers both cybersecurity and digital forensics to start with before allowing you a choice to specialize in either. International students are invited to apply, provided you have a computing degree or relevant work experience. The university offers multiple scholarships for international students to cover tuition costs. Learn more here. Women searching for a start in their tech, engineering or IT focused careers have an impressive range of scholarships to choose from today. Thought-leaders in each industry recognize that more gender diversity is essential, and women now have more opportunities than ever. Have you applied for a scholarship, and if so, what are your thoughts on the options available?
About the Author: Aigerim Berzinya is the Marketing Director at Turtler GPS Ltd. and as the company's globetrotting backpacker uses the app while hiking abroad or in the mountains to stay connected and safe. She has a Master`s Degree in Social Sciences. Her hobby is playing the piano, hiking and reading books. Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of Tripwire, Inc.
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