At Infosecurity Europe 2016, Tripwire conducted a two-part survey involving 400 security professionals in attendance at the conference. In the first part, Tripwire requested that respondents reflect on the evolving ransomware threat. 93 percent of security professionals said crypto-malware attacks will continue to escalate, while 56 percent of respondents identified ransomware as a top concern for their organizations. Tripwire has now announced the results of the survey's second part, for which it asked infosec professionals to weigh in on whether the 2016 U.S. presidential election will leave a lasting impact on global cyber security. Of those who responded, more than half (54 percent) said they were not concerned the election would leave a negative impact on digital security worldwide. Dwayne Melancon, chief technology officer for Tripwire, feels this outlook in part reflects the U.S. government's muddled relationship with cyber security:
"There is a big difference between having candidates who have a cyber security policy and candidates who have an understanding of cyber security. Given the difficulties in passing effective cyber security legislation and the often unrealistic expectations regarding the government’s role, it’s not surprising IT professionals believe the outcome of the presidential election will not have a big impact on global cyber security."
Those findings at Infosecurity Europe 2016 agree with another survey Tripwire conducted at Black Hat USA 2015. For its survey, the firm asked 210 information security professionals whether they thought digital security would factor into the U.S. presidential election as a key issue – 39 percent answered in the affirmative. An additional 15 percent agreed but said any attention drawn to cyber security wouldn't matter because "the problem is too complex," while 32 percent said any conversation on digital security would consist of rhetoric and not meaningful policy talks. The remaining 14 percent didn't believe cyber security would constitute a key issue in the race. The outcome of the U.S. presidential race might not leave a lasting impact on global cyber security, but that remains to be seen. In the meantime, what is clear is the need for the United States President and other public leaders around the world to clarify governmental involvement in digital security. Melancon couldn't agree more:
"One topic on the minds of many corporate executives is the lack of clarity regarding where the influence and authority of the government begins and ends with regard to cyber security. For example, what is the government’s role in the protection of private corporations from nation-state attacks – and what should it be? We’re moving into a new era in the intersection of cybersecurity and everyday society, government leaders need to lead the world in adapting to cyber security threats in a sensible way."
For more information on Tripwire's survey at Infosecurity Europe 2016, please click here.