Looking for a great information security podcast? There are plenty to choose from! Here’s a roundup of currently active information security podcasts. The list is split into two categories: podcasts run by people representing themselves (meaning they are not speaking for a company) and podcasts produced under the name of a company. I made the distinction because many people would like to know if there might be any bias in opinions. Don’t let company-run podcasts dissuade you from listening, however; some of the best, bias-free podcasts are company-sponsored.
Take 1 Security Podcast
Format: News, analysis Frequency: Weekly to monthly Information: A news and analysis podcast hosted by Daniel Miessler in which he reads several top security stories in one take. Take 1 is a great podcast for consuming a large amount of news in a short amount of time. The analysis by the host is always spot-on. https://danielmiessler.com/podcast/
Brakeing Down Security
Format: News, analysis, interviews Frequency: Weekly Information: Brian Brake and Brian Boettcher host this long-running podcast that features news, analysis and guest interviews. The passion the hosts have for security really come through in the podcast and in the interviews. http://brakeingsecurity.blogspot.com
Building a Life and Career in Security
Format: Interview Frequency: Weekly Information: This new entry – hosted by Jay Schulman – is a welcome departure from the standard news and analysis podcasts. Jay interviews leaders that are well-established in their fields and figures out what makes them tick with a goal in educating the listener.
Format: News, analysis, interviews Frequency: Bi-weekly Information: Hosted by Raymond Evans and Paul Jordan, this is a relatively new podcast featuring news, analysis, interviews and Friends-like episode titles. http://www.cydefe.com/
Data Driven Security
Format: Analysis, interviews Frequency: Monthly Information: Jay Jacobs and Bob Rudis, authors of the book “Data Driven Security,” discuss data science in the information security field. This is a must-listen podcast if you are interested in data visualization and data analysis. http://datadrivensecurity.info/podcast/
Defensive Security Podcast
Format: News, analysis Frequency: Weekly Information: Hosted by Jerry Bell and Andrew Kalat, this podcast offers very entertaining analysis of the week’s top security stories. https://www.defensivesecurity.org/category/podcast/
Down the Security Rabbithole
Format: News, analysis, interview Frequency: Weekly Information: This podcast, hosted by Rafal Los, James Jardine and Michael Santarcangelo offers analysis on significant security stories in the news, often with guests. https://www.defensivesecurity.org/category/podcast/
Exploring Information Security
Format: Interview Frequency: Weekly Information: An interesting podcast that focuses on a new security discipline each episode. For example, one episode may be about threat modeling and another on how to build out a SOC, all with expert guests.
Hacker Public Radio
Format: Anything/everything Frequency: Daily Information: An absolutely amazing and unique podcast. It’s crowd-sourced, meaning every episode is created by someone new. Topics are varied, and of course, there are a few misses but there are gems in here too. http://hackerpublicradio.org/
OWASP 24/7
Format: Analysis, interview Frequency: Several times a month Information: Interesting podcast put on by the folks at The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). OWASP is a community-driven nonprofit project and the podcast features interviews and analysis on the topic of web application security. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Podcast
Paul’s Security Weekly
Format: News, analysis, interview Frequency: Weekly Information: The longest-running security podcast on this list, Paul’s Security Weekly has been going strong since 2005 and features news, analysis and interviews with people in the security industry. http://securityweekly.com/podcasts/
Southern Fried Security Podcast
Format: News, analysis, interview Frequency: Weekly Information: My personal favorite podcast on this list – Southern Fried Security Podcast is hosted by Andy Willingham, Martin Fisher and Steve Ragan and focuses on leadership and management aspects in information security. http://www.southernfriedsecurity.com/
Risky Business
Format: News, analysis, interview Frequency: Weekly Information: An Australian-based podcast that features the latest news, analysis and guest interviews. http://risky.biz/netcasts/risky-business
The Risk Science Podcast
Format: News, analysis, interview Frequency: Approximately 4-6 episodes per year Information: Somewhat sporadic, yet unique podcast that looks at the risk management and decision science aspects of information security. http://riskscience.net/
The Standard Deviant Security Podcast
Format: Interview Frequency: Bi-weekly Information: DISCLAIMER: this is my podcast so I’m not going to review or editorialize. This is an interview-only podcast focusing on the people that are solving problems in the information security field. http://www.thestandarddeviant.com/podcast/
Company Podcasts
2 Minute Cyber Security Briefing
Format: News Frequency: Weekly Information: The title says it all! http://bvsystems.com/podcastgen2/
*InfoSecurity-branded podcasts
Format: News, interview Frequency: Bi-weekly Information: This is a set of podcasts from the same company, ISMG Corp. The podcasts include InfoSecurity, DataBreachToday CareersInfoSecurity, HealthInfoSecurity etc. There is something new nearly every day and good to listen to if you have a particular interest in one of the sectors they cover. *Available on iTunes.
SANS Internet Storm Center Podcast
Format: News Frequency: Daily Information: Amazingly reliably daily 5-10 minute podcast that recaps the latest security headlines. https://isc.sans.edu/podcast.html
Security Current Podcast
Format: News, interview Frequency: 1-2 times a week Information: Produced by the folks behind the Security Current news site, this podcast features interviews with experts in IT and information security. http://www.securitycurrent.com/en/podcasts/podcasts_index
Security Now
Format: News, analysis Frequency: Weekly Information: A podcast from the vendor of a hard drive recovery company. The few episodes I listened to have several technical inaccuracies – your mileage may vary. https://www.grc.com/securitynow.htm
Silver Bullet Podcast
Format: Interview Frequency: Monthly Information: Co-sponsored by Cigital and IEEE Security and Privacy and hosted by Gary McGraw, Silver Bullet features interviews from security industry leaders. https://www.cigital.com/podcast/
Surfwatch Cyber Risk Roundup
Format: News, interview Frequency: Weekly Information: Podcast by Surfwatch Labs features news, analysis and interviews. http://surfwatchlabs.podbean.com/
Threatpost Digital Underground
Format: News, interview Frequency: Twice a week Information: Kaspersky Lab’s podcast has been going since 2008 and features current events and guest interviews. https://threatpost.com/category/podcasts
Tripwire’s Security Slice Podcast
Format: News, analysis, interview Frequency: 2-8 times a month Information: DISCLAIMER: Tripwire is hosting this blog post, but did not edit the content of this review. Security Slice has been around for a very long time and is one of the first security podcasts I listened to and is one of my favorites today. Hosted by Shelley Boose, this podcast takes the biggest issues of the week and invites guests to comment and give analysis. https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/topics/security-slice-podcast/

About the Author: Tony Martin-Vegue is a 20-year Information Security veteran with expertise in network operations, cryptography and risk management. He’s worked for large global organizations, leading cyber-crime programs, enterprise risk management and security programs. He is a blogger and host of The Standard Deviant Security Podcast, a podcast that, with candor and cleverness, holds up a mirror to industry truths.Tony holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Economics from the University of San Francisco and has many certifications such as CISSP, CISM and CEH. He can be found on the web at www.thestandarddeviant.com and on Twitter @tdmv. Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of Tripwire, Inc. Title image courtesy of ShutterStock
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