It is a common trend now to see most of the organizations opting for the cloud. Growing business demands, competition and the growth of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) have helped propel this trend. While everything looks smart in the cloud, what about security? Does that look smart, too? Now that organizations use different kinds of cloud environments, maintaining security within them becomes crucial, especially while working with a public or hybrid cloud platform. But before we dive deep into the subject, let us take a moment to remind ourselves what cloud security is all about. Cloud security is a set of controlled technologies and policies designed in accordance with the regulatory compliance rules to protect information, data applications and infrastructure on the cloud. With that purpose in mind, let’s look at the right approach while building security into the cloud environment. After you’ve thoroughly thought through your migration to the cloud, the next question to address is as follows: can your cloud provider build your cloud environment around the security compliances of your company? Ticking this checkbox will not put a full stop to your cloud security concerns. Since cloud security is a large concept, there are different aspects that will crop up even though you choose the right provider. It’s a never-ending chase! Listed below are some of the threats that business owners face post-cloud adoption and the solutions that owners can adopt to tackle cloud security:
Data Breach
A data breach can cost a company all its years of reputation when its information goes into unsafe hands. Vast data hosted by Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) makes organizations vulnerable to data loss. While cloud providers are doing their part to address the challenge of data theft, it is also a business owner’s duty to adopt some security measures on his own. Solution: Multi-factor authentication and encryption can be useful in tackling one of the biggest security concerns.
Inadequate Identity and Access Management
Lack of secure data protection like automated rotation or cryptographic keys & certificates and usage of weak passwords, not to mention a lack of scalable identity and access management systems, can put data at great risk. Solution: Smartcards, OTPs and phone authentication are the best approaches to prevent data theft. The companies’ administration should emphasize usage of strong passwords and the other above-mentioned practices.
Insecure APIs
An application programming interface is crucial as it enables provisioning, maintaining and monitoring of cloud services. The interface must be designed as such that it should prevent any breach attempts, similar to the DevSecOps. Solution: The interface must be equipped with authentication, access control, encryption and activity monitoring to avoid any related security instances.
System Vulnerabilities
System vulnerabilities and exploitable bugs find their way into some Trojans. Through them, they make their way into system’s operability and functionality. Solution: To avoid such instances, it is always best to install security patches, upgrade vulnerability scanning, report system threats, and have them mandated.
Account or Service Hijacking
Phishing, fraud and exploitation of software vulnerabilities are the best examples of account or service hijacking. They provide a gateway to data theft and hamper cloud services and systems, resulting in reputation losses. Solution: Organizations should enforce strict security measures and keep employees educated on non-disclosure of login credentials and strong two-factor authentication techniques.
While the list of threats is endless, we advise business owners to always be on their guard and implement healthy security practices from the organization’s side. Cloud providers are constantly upgrading their services, working with the best tools and employing best-in-class employees who will help them solve the security concerns of a booming cloud market. While they leave no stone unturned to deliver the best to varied businesses, it becomes an owner’s responsibility to ensure a similar ethic from their end. This way, cloud providers and business owners can work hand-in-hand to run a secure business empire.

About the Author: Maryann Savina Xavier, Content Writer at Veritis Group Inc writes articles on technology, social causes, inspirational stories, news and more. With a flair and passion for writing, Maryann began her journey with a blog on poetry in 2013 and has written close to 80 poems. She has also published several articles with recognized newspapers. She holds a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication and Journalism and has a varied work experience with some leading corporate houses. Her other interests include, photography and social-networking. Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of Tripwire, Inc.
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