

Physical Cybersecurity: ICS Attack Scenarios and CIP-007 R1

The premise of a January 27, 2015, article by CNBC is that there is good evidence that a cyber attack against nearly any country’s critical infrastructure could be imminent. This kind of reporting has become so commonplace, but this doesn’t seem like just more FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) journalism. ...

Industrial Cybersecurity Experts Share 14 of Their Biggest Tips and Predictions

The task of building and running an effective cybersecurity program is a major challenge for any complex organization, but those in charge of industrial control systems (ICS) have even more to figure out than their strictly-IT counterparts. How can industrial organizations overcome the cybersecurity skills gap? What about the increasingly-difficult endeavor of bringing the IT and OT sides of the...

6 Expert Industrial Cybersecurity Tips for CISOs

Digital attacks are a growing concern for industrial control system (ICS) security professionals. In a 2019 survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 88 percent of respondents told Tripwire that they were concerned about the threat of a digital attack. An even greater percentage (93 percent) attributed their concerns to the possibility of an attack producing a shutdown or downtime. Other survey...

The Industrial Control System (ICS) Visibility Imperative

The rapid convergence of IT and OT systems can leave even the most cybersecurity-mature organizations exposed. Industrial security teams are under-reacting to new cyberthreats, and legacy operational technology simply wasn’t built to handle the risks incurred by connecting to IT systems. The main issue is visibility: You can’t secure what you can’t see. Safety, productivity, and uptime are...

Implementing Cloud Security Best Practices

Cybersecurity professionals the world over share common cloud security concerns like risk management, configuration security, and cloud compliance. As organizations expand further into the cloud, there continues to be an influx of simple mistakes that can expose organizations to significant security, privacy, and regulatory risks. Tripwire partnered with Dimensional Research to understand what...

Industrial Cybersecurity is Essential

Don’t believe there are real cyberthreats to your operations network and control systems? Data shows otherwise. Better foundational industrial cybersecurity practices can help prevent disruption to your operations and financial risk to your bottom line. ...

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Governance, Risk & Compliance, or Generating Real Capability! How do we use GRC as a business enabler, and focus on the benefits it brings?

Solid Foundations for Cloud Security: Houses Built on Sand or Rock

Moving mission critical applications to the cloud provides a whole host of benefits but it also means trusting cloud providers with key aspects of security and compliance. This paper provides tools you can use to evaluate the security and compliance offerings of cloud computing partners. It also describes how Tripwire’s solutions can be used to build and deploy a rock-solid security foundation...

Executing an Efficient Cloud Security Strategy

How do organizations execute an efficient cloud security strategy and find the right cloud security tools? Tripwire asked a range of cloud security experts to share their thoughts on some of the key challenges regarding secure cloud storage and cloud computing security.

Defending Industrial Control Systems

Threats to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are increasing—a reality that ICS-centric industries have begun to recognize. As a response to the growing need for protection from cyberattacks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the National Security Agency (NSA) have published Seven Steps to Effectively Defend Industrial...

Detailed Mapping of the Tripwire and CIS Controls

The goal of the Center for Internet Security Controls is to protect critical assets, infrastructure and information by strengthening your organization's defensive posture through continuous, automated protection and monitoring of your IT infrastructure. The strength of the Controls is that it reflects the combined knowledge of actual attacks and effective defenses from experts in many...

18 Expert Tips for Effective and Secure Cloud Migration

Organizations are increasingly migrating to the cloud to process their IT resources. Gartner predicts that cloud data centers will process 92 percent of workloads by 20201, while Cisco forecasts cloud workloads to increase 3.2x in that span of time2. Under the Shared Responsibility Model, migrating organizations need to ensure security in the cloud by taking adequate measures to protect their...

Cloud Control Buyer's Guide

Introduction The world of IT is moving to the cloud for flexibility, on-demand computing resources, and speed just to name a few benefits. Market data varies but estimates of cloud usage show that in the range of 20–25% of overall compute workloads are operating in public cloud environments today, with that expected to grow to 50% over the next 5–10 years. However, most organizations haven’t...

Cloud Article Anthology, vol. 1

Security leaders charged with reducing their organizations’ cloud attack surfaces have to stay continually up-to-date in a security landscape that changes in the blink of an eye. This anthology of insights from some of Tripwire’s leading cloud experts will help you understand how to prioritize and tackle your cloud security imperatives. Download your copy now to learn: Eight cloud security...

Adjusting to the Reality of Risk Management Framework

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an approach to systems security management that adjusts security controls based on risk factors. The practice involves a continuous cycle of identifying new threats, choosing effective controls, measuring their effectiveness and improving system security. Federal entities need to understand and utilize RMF as...

Building a Mature Vulnerability Management Program

A successful vulnerability management program requires more than the right technology. It requires dedicated people and mature processes. When done properly, the result can be a continuously improving risk management system for your organization. This white paper was written by CISSP-certified Tripwire system engineers with extensive experience in implementation of vulnerability management...

Tripwire Vulnerability Risk Metrics

A vulnerability management program should provide a series of metrics that outline the vulnerability risk to the organization and how the risk posture is trending. In addition to this, reports should be provided which show system owners which vulnerabilities pose the greatest risk to the organization and how to remediate them. This report outlines recommendations for vulnerability management...

The Five Stages of Vulnerability Management Maturity

One key element of an effective information security program within your organization is having a good vulnerability management (VM) program, as it can identify critical risks. Most, if not all, regulatory policies require a VM program, and information security frameworks advise implementing VM as one of first things an organization should do when building their information security program. ...