When Security and Compliance Align: The Perfect Partnership


Every organization wants to be secure in the long term, but compliance mandates mean they often stay focused on the short-term requirements. It’s crucial to go beyond simple checkbox compliance. Organizations must create a partnership between compliance and security if they want to protect their systems and data.

Explore the benefits of adopting a security-first approach and how to put one into action with Tripwire Senior Product Manager David Bruce and a panel of industry experts. Learn how to advocate for staff training, get cybersecurity on the agenda of their board to secure budget, and use a governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) framework to close the gap between compliance and cybersecurity.

Want to Learn More?

We asked multiple cybersecurity experts to share their tips and tricks for using security to streamline both their compliance and security efforts. Read the Mind the Cybersecurity Compliance Gap guide to get more insights.