

Climbing the Vulnerability Management Mountain: Reaching Maturity Level 2

The path is starting to get steeper now as we climb to ML2. It is time to start defining a vulnerability management program with objectives and goals. This program is expected to grow and evolve over time as the organization grows and evolves. Document the requirements Start by documenting what is in place now and what objections the organization...

Security for Cloud Services: IaaS Deep Dive

In this, the final post in my series on considerations for managing your security with cloud services, we will be looking at Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). If you haven’t yet read the previous blog entries about SaaS and PaaS, it’s worth going back to read these first, as much of the thinking associated with these services is also true for IaaS...

Five “W’s” for Vulnerability Management

As we wind down 2019, it is a great time to think about your vulnerability management plans for the coming year. The five W’s can help guide our efforts as we resolve to improve our digital security for the coming new year. What Is Vulnerability Management? Vulnerability assessments are useful for detecting security issues within your environment....

The Future of Cybersecurity Insurance

Cybersecurity incidents and data breaches have become a normal part of the news cycle. It feels like every day you hear about a big corporation or organization suffering an attack that has put customer or user data in jeopardy. Sometimes this is because a security strategy was lacking; sometimes, the criminal's attack was simply too powerful....

DeathRansom Ransomware Fixes Issues, Now Encrypting Victims' Data

After its developers fixed several issues, DeathRansom ransomware is now actively infecting users and encrypting victims' data. DeathRansom wasn't actually crypto-ransomware when attackers first began distributing it. At that time, the threat pretended to encrypt users' information and appended the .wctc extension onto victims' files. Researchers...

Fullz House Group Using Phishing and Web Skimming to Maximize Profits

A new threat group called "Fullz House" is using both phishing and web skimming in order to maximize the profits of its attacks. Fullz House isn't new to the threat landscape, but RiskIQ observed that the group had expanded its activities to include web skimming beginning in August-September 2019. These two operations are mostly split. However,...

Ransomware: ‘Tis the Season for Retailers to be Prepared

‘Tis the season! Winter holidays are upon us, and with it brings the yearly high-volume online shopping season we all know as Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM). With the total US consumer spending estimated at over $717 billion in the 2018 BFCM season, retailers know that the next few weeks are a critical time for their infrastructure. Unfortunately...

Security for Cloud Services: PaaS Deep Dive

In my last blog, I gave you some insight into some of the starting steps for adjusting your security strategies for a SaaS-enabled world. Here, I explore some of the additional adaptions to consider with PaaS. Traditional IT organisations have seen significant gains in adopting Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions. In this blog post, the second in...

Cloud Security Threats: Escaping the Egregious Eleven - Part Two

Depending on your familiarity with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) publications, part one of this blog was intended as either an introduction or a nagging reminder of the ‘Egregious Eleven’ security threats to cloud computing. It also hopefully made some helpful observations about the first six items on the list. Part two now looks at the...

New Decryption Tool Released for Jigsaw Ransomware

Security researchers have released a new decryption tool that could help victims of Jigsaw ransomware recover their affected files for free. In a blog post announcing the new utility, Emsisoft explained that its decryptor can work against 85 extensions employed by the ransomware family. The security firm also said that they would update their tool...

Ransomware Strikes Again in the State of Louisiana

Ransomware hit Louisiana's state government hard yesterday, shutting down multiple websites and email systems after it fell victim for the second time in just a few months to a ransomware attack. In a series of tweets, Louisiana state governor John Bel Edwards revealed that his office had activated a cybersecurity response team in response to an...

Security for Cloud Services: SaaS Deep Dive

As business adoption of cloud services continues to grow at a rapid pace, so does the need to adapt security methods to accommodate the myriad of options. Traditional best practices often still provide a solid foundation from which to build on, but depending upon the technologies you opt to migrate to the cloud, different challenges and solutions...

Phishers Targeting Microsoft Office 365 Admin Credentials

Digital fraudsters are stealing Microsoft Office 365 administrator credentials as part of a broader phishing campaign targeting organizations. The campaign began with a phishing email that leveraged Microsoft and its Office 365 brand to lull recipients into a false sense of security. This attack email was unique, however, in that it originated from...

How to Implement an Efficient Cloud Security Strategy: The Experts Guide

According to IBM, 98 percent of companies will be using multiple hybrid cloud environments by 2021. This trend isn’t surprising. There are many benefits to operating in the cloud such as improved productivity, an increase in elasticity and huge cost-savings, to name a few. However, we keep seeing a range of issues when it comes to cloud security....

MITRE ATT&CK October Update: Extending to the Cloud

MITRE’s ATT&CK framework is ever evolving. The latest October update extends enterprise coverage to the cloud and adds a considerable list of cloud-specific adversarial techniques. The cloud has seen phenomenal growth over the past few years, as it offers businesses flexibility, reliability and cost-savings. Along with this growth comes new security...