

Apple Patches 'High' Input Validation Vulnerability in iTunes, App Store

Apple has patched an application-side input validation web vulnerability in iTunes and the App Store that allowed attackers to inject malicious code into user invoices. The vulnerability received a 'High' severity level and a CVSS rating of 5.8. It allows for session hijacking, persistent phishing attacks, and other malicious activities. Benjamin...

Password Brute Force Attacks Threaten Millions of App Users

In September of 2014, private photos of a number of celebrities, including Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence, were leaked onto the image-based bulletin board 4chan. It was soon discovered that this leak occurred as a result of a brute force attack against Apple's iCloud, which until then had not limited the number of login attempts for each user...

Escalation of Commitment Part 2: Three Possible Scenarios

Following from a recent post on ‘Escalation of Commitment’, a topic studied by both Economists and Psychologist, I could not resist writing a follow-up to explore the consequences for third parties that do not have the preparation and/or resources of the parties involved in scenarios of escalation of commitment in the IT security field. In the...

VERT Threat Alert: July 2015 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses 14 new Microsoft Security Bulletins. VERT is actively working on coverage for these bulletins in order to meet our 24-hour SLA and expects to ship ASPL-623 on Wednesday, July 15th. MS15-058 SQL Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability CVE-2015-1761 SQL Server Remote Code Execution...

Keeping Up with PCI DSS 3.1

Earlier this year, the PCI Security Standards Council officially released PCI DSS 3.1 only months after its predecessor (version 3.0) came into effect. With a typical three-year period between standard revisions, the out-of-band update caught many off guard, especially organizations still in the process of complying with the changes from the...

Static Password Vulnerability Patched in Cisco Unified CDM

Cisco has released a patch for a password vulnerability that was recently discovered in its Unified Communications Domain Manager (Unified CDM) Platform Software. According to a security advisory released by the company, "A vulnerability in the Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager Platform Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote...

Magnitude EK Targets Adobe 0Day to Deliver CryptoWall Ransomware

The Magnitude exploit kit (EK) is leveraging a recently patched zero-day vulnerability found in Adobe Flash Player to drop CryptoWall ransomware. Early last week, Adobe released a security update for the critical vulnerability CVE-2015-3113, which affects Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. If unpatched, the flaw allows for an attacker to take control of...

Cisco Issues Patches for Multiple Default SSH Keys Vulnerabilities

Cisco has released patches for SSH keys vulnerabilities affecting several of its virtual appliances. The vulnerabilities were discovered during internal security testing and have been found to affect Cisco Web Security Virtual Appliance (WSAv), Cisco Email Security Virtual Appliance (ESAv), and Cisco Security Management Virtual Appliance (SMAv). ...

5 Practical Steps for Proactive Hardening of Your WS2003 Systems

If you read my previous post about Microsoft ending extended support for Windows Server 2003 (WS2003) on July 14, 2015, you’re familiar with what that means - Microsoft will not be providing further security patches, hot fixes, or software updates without a costly extended support agreement. “Many IT teams are very comfortable using Windows Server...

The 5 Most Common Attack Patterns of 2014

Tripwire is pleased to announce the release of its newest infographic, “Where Are Your Cyberattacks Coming From?” Created in response to the release of Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR 2015) back in April, the infographic explains the five most common attack patterns behind today’s data breaches. In this article, I will review...

Gift Card Fraud: How It’s Committed and Why It’s So Lucrative

Gift cards have caused quite a headache for retailers in the last month, exposing another way that fraudulent activity can eat into razor-thin profit margins. Gift card fraud can range from physical theft to cloning to exploiting programming errors on the merchant side. The methods of attack are very similar to what is seen with credit card fraud,...

The Difference Between Cybersecurity Literacy and Awareness

The issue of cybersecurity has finally gained the attention of top company decision-makers in light of the ongoing large-scale breaches that continue to jeopardize company assets and customers’ privacy. However, as executives and board members become more aware of the impact of cyber attacks on the business, is awareness enough to allow them to...