

5 Lessons Lock Picking Can Teach You About Cyber Security

Security is a complex and connected web. Though there are many different categories within the all-encompassing field of security, there are still certain lessons that translate across the disciplines. Physical security can largely be seen as a manifestation of the ethereal elements of cyber security. Both the digital and the physical worlds of...

Bringing Clarity to Really Really Big Data: A Case for AI and Machine Learning to Help Crunch and Protect Our Data

It's funny how kids have an affinity for toys we enjoyed as kids – like Legos. They will spend hours creating the biggest “thing,” often leading to a parent’s near universal response, “Johnny! That is the biggest tower I have ever seen! Great job!” Children (and we) love Legos because they foster imagination, offering a limitless way to create...

Wireless Routers: First Line of Defense

Almost everything you read or hear about routers includes a sentence or two about router security. The focus is generally on this essential piece of hardware as the first line of defense in an internet-connected world. Many medium-sized companies and large corporations take this into account when they purchase and set up their network infrastructure...

Is Security Ready for the Next 20 Years of Technology?

It doesn’t seem that long ago that we didn’t have online access to many of our utility, banking, and/or even shopping accounts. I was fortunate enough to be part of a revolutionary project at a university in southern England back in 1988, where accessing the internet was using a 1200 baud modem, a terminal emulator connecting via a mainframe that...

4 Best Practices for Improving Your Organization's Supply Chain Security

Digital attackers have many different strategies for infiltrating a target organization. That even goes for companies with robust perimeter defenses. Bad actors simply need to find a soft target they can exploit. Oftentimes, they find what they're looking for along a target's supply chain. We can best understand the supply chain as a network of...

And You Thought You Have Seen It All . . . and Why the IoT Needs Us

One might think that the security industry is beefing up its message with profanity and far-fetched stories, and you may regard all of it – to an extent – as scare mongering. The latest attack on the smart "HUE Light Bulbs" by Philips puts this views to rest, I hope. Apparently, modern smart light bulbs are equipped with secure communication...

The Next Wave for Cybersecurity Awareness

The annual RSA Conference is a lot of things to a lot of people (43,000 this year!). For me, it’s become an annual opportunity to step out of the stream and to look back at what has happened in the last year and peer forward at what’s to come. This year, I think we have reached an inflection point around the way we as a profession treat the “human...

A Primer on GDPR: What You Should Know

What is GDPR, when is it coming, and what steps should you take to comply?If you’ve been following the information security news or Twitter feeds, then you’ve no doubt seen the increase in traffic around the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). And there’s a good chance you’ve been ignoring it, as well. It’s time to pay attention, for GDPR is...

New Research Highlights Top Cyber-Attack Concerns for 2017

With such a lively 2016 ­for infosec – mega-breaches, new malware strains, inventive phishing techniques, and big debates between security and privacy – there’s plenty of reason to pause and consider what the security community should be most concerned about for 2017 and what they can do to prepare.

One Researcher's Plan to Broadside Known Windows Tech Support Scammers

2016 saw a lot of different types of scams prey on unsuspecting users. Some achieved greater prevalence than others. One of those was the tech support scam, a ruse where a fraudster calls a victim while impersonating a customer support representative from a well-known technology company. They tell the victim their computer is infected with malware...

Security and the ‘Weaponization’ of Misinformation

New media, it would appear, now outpaces the old. More data is consumed and processed than at any time before in human history. But as we hasten into a world where the immediate is often favoured over the verified, the attention-grabbing over the considered, and the assumed over the researched in terms of how we both receive and disseminate...

Gaza Cybergang Group Targeting ME Governments with Downeks, Quasar RAT

Several high-profile attack campaigns targeting Middle Eastern companies have recently come to the attention of the security community. One of the first operations we heard about occurred on November 17, 2016, when Shamoon resurfaced and leveraged Disstrack malware to wipe the computers at an energy organization based in Saudi Arabia. Apparently, ...

The Internet Isn’t Vulnerable – It’s a Weapon

In the United States, there is a basic rule of thumb that at some point after a block of metal undergoes a certain amount of manufacturing, it becomes a rifle. When approximately 80 percent of the manufacturing is complete, the metal is not a weapon; at 81 percent, it is. A weapon is dangerous; it is often regulated, and more often than not, it has...