

6 Top Cloud Security Threats in 2018

2018 is set to be a very exciting year for cloud computing. In the fourth financial quarter of 2017, Amazon, SAP, Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, Oracle, and Google combined had over $22 billion in their revenue from cloud services. Cloud services will only get bigger in 2018. It’s easy to understand why businesses love the cloud. It’s easier and more...

VERT Threat Alert: February 2018 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s February 2018 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-765 on Wednesday, February 14th. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs CVE-2018-0771 This vulnerability describes a Same-Origin Policy (SOP) bypass in Microsoft Edge. The SOP is designed to...

Security at the Speed of DevOps

DevOps and traditional security seem to be at odds with one other. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make security a part of your DevOps process without sacrificing agility or security. First, let's define what DevOps is. Let's then look at how it combines with security to create DevSecOps.DevOps: A Working DefinitionSo, what do we mean by ...

Security Mindset: Balancing Firmness and Flexibility

Navigating the noise, complexity and uncertainties of the cybersecurity landscape demands clear thinking. But that’s no easy task. The security professional today has to be knowledgeable about the organization’s own environment, business needs and risks, compliance requirements, best practice frameworks, internal policies and procedures, and the...

Advanced Security in All Sorts of Places

There's a growing trend spreading through many different organizations in which automated and advanced security features are being developed, capabilities which were previously in the realm of more traditional security vendors. There’s now more security in more places than ever before, with much of it owing to infrastructure and software-as-a...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for January 2018

BULLETINCVEBrowser - EdgeCVE-2018-0803,CVE-2018-0766Scripting EngineCVE-2018-0780,CVE-2018-0800,CVE-2018-0767,CVE-2018-0781,CVE-2018-0769,CVE-2018-0768,CVE-2018-0778,CVE-2018-0777,CVE-2018-0758,CVE-2018-0773,CVE-2018-0770,CVE-2018-0776,CVE-2018-0774,CVE-2018-0775,CVE-2018-0772,CVE-2018-0762Adobe FlashCVE-2018-4871Java cpujan2018CVE-2018-2599,CVE-2018...

The Cyber Law of War

A recent article in the New York Times postulated America may choose to respond to a devastating cyberattack with a nuclear response. In November of 2017, a widely viewed social media video entitled Slaughterbots suggested “swarms of AI-controlled drones [could] carry out strikes on thousands of unprepared victims with targeted precision.” Both of...

Integrity: The New "I" in PCI Compliance

The retail industry saw more than its fair share of data breaches in 2017, with security incidents impacting at American supermarket chain Whole Foods Market and clothing companies Brooks Brothers, The Buckle, and Forever 21, to name a few. At least some of those events likely resulted from retailers' poor data breach preparation. Consider the fact...

Foundational Controls for Integrity Assurance - Part II

As I noted in my previous article, companies should use foundational controls to assure integrity of their software and critical data – doing so can help prevent many data breaches and security incidents from occurring in the first place. That's not all that integrity driven by foundational controls can accomplish. Here are two more benefits...

How Management Can Help Prevent Insider-Caused Data Breaches

In 2017, some of the world’s most devastating cyber attacks were seen. Insider threats continue to be the primary reason for such high profile data breaches year over year. With the rise of malware as a service, insiders are now more than capable of sabotaging a company's operations or stealing data to sell on the darknet. Without the right support...

Smart Contracts 101: How This Emerging Technology Works

You can’t turn around today without running into a story about blockchain technology and smart contracts. In fact, one creative beverage company saw their stock climb 289 percent when they added the term "Blockchain" to their company name even though they have nothing to do with blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is one form of a secure,...

Real Life Examples of Phishing at its "Phinest"

There are several technical methods of stealing passwords via malware or software vulnerabilities, and one of the most difficult to defend against occurs when users disclose their credentials unknowingly. Yes, I am referring to phishing. Specifically, phishing that tricks users into accessing a fake website and entering their credentials. We often...

Survey: Most Security Pros Aim to Patch Vulnerabilities within 30 Days

High-profile cybersecurity incidents continue to result from the simple mistake of leaving a known vulnerability unpatched. To understand how organizations are keeping up with vulnerabilities, Tripwire partnered with Dimensional Research to survey 406 IT security professionals about their patching processes. Findings revealed that the majority (78...

How to Budget for Digital Security in 2018

Based on the past year, one thing that is certain to be on every company’s mind is security. Among the various concerns associated with security, perhaps the most important is how much it costs to effectively secure your company data in the age of large-scale cyberattacks and breaches. According to Accenture’s 2017 “Cost of Cybercrime” report, the...