

Breaking Compliance into Bite-Sized Portions

Many companies strive to achieve the best security possible. Along the path to improved security, many companies are also required to meet various compliance standards. In some cases, compliance is also a regulatory requirement. This crossroad between security and compliance can sometimes seem at odds with the organization’s goals. Compliance does...

What Is the Difference between FIM and DLP?

Threats to sensitive data are everywhere. From sophisticated cybercriminal syndicates to accidental exposure to nation-state-backed advanced persistent threat (APT) groups and everything in between, it's never been more critical for organizations to have the correct data protection tools. When designing how to protect company information from loss...

What is the Standard of Good Practice for Information Security?

The ISF (Information Security Forum) Standard of Good Practice (SoGP) is a comprehensive set of best practices designed to help organizations effectively manage their information security risks. Covering various topics, including governance, risk management, compliance, incident management, and technical security controls, it helps establish and...

How Can FIM Protect Against Insider Threats

An insider threat is someone inside an organization – including current and former employees, partners, and contractors – who, intentionally or otherwise, put their organization at risk. They typically abuse their access to private information and privileged accounts to steal or sabotage sensitive data, often for financial gain or even revenge. ...

Data Destruction: The Final Line of Defense Against Cyber Attacks

Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations, and while watertight data protection policies are undeniably crucial, the need for robust data destruction methods has never been more pressing. Ultimately, all parties and vendors in your supply chain trust you to maintain the integrity of their data. Once that data is no longer needed, transparency...

Measuring the Effectiveness of File Integrity Monitoring Tools

A security incident can be the result of a single unauthorised change. A few may say, 'one change is inconsequential, don't sweat the small stuff.' But when it comes to infrastructure security, the detail is of paramount importance! Just a single edit to a single line item can have a negative effect on an entire file or operating system. It's...

Cloud Sprawl: How to Tidy It Up

Cloud computing offers indisputable benefits, but with the caveat that it can quickly become a disorganized jumble unless adequately managed. It’s common for the average organization to use dozens of cloud instances, solutions, and resources scattered across multiple platforms. Such off-premises services quickly accumulate to accommodate the company...

HITRUST: the Path to Cyber Resilience

Much has been made of cyber resilience in recent years. And with good reason: failing to bounce back quickly from a security event can have dramatic financial consequences. In early 2023, Royal Mail took several days to recover from a Lockbit cyberattack, losing upwards of £10 million in the process. However, for all the talk about resilience, the industry seems to be overlooking one of its...

The UK’s Cybersecurity: Where Is it and Where Is it Going?

In early April this year, the UK's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) released its Cybersecurity Breaches Survey 2024. It provides a comprehensive overview of the UK's cybersecurity landscape, exploring the different cyberattacks and cybercrimes businesses, charities, and private sector educational instructions face, the...

Making Data Integrity Easy: Simplifying NIST CSF with Tripwire

When you think of the cybersecurity "CIA" triad of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, which one of those is most important to your organization? While the answer may vary by season for your organization, there is no argument that they are all equally vital sides of that CIA triangle, and each deserves the correct level of care and...

Understanding the Key Differences Between FIM and EDR

File integrity monitoring (FIM) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) are two cybersecurity solutions that are often foundational aspects of organizations’ security strategies. EDR is implemented in order to stop known and unknown threats at endpoints, often with advanced functions such as behavioral monitoring and analysis, antivirus protection...

Insider Threats Maintain a Rising Trend

“When the cat’s away, the mouse will play,” the old adage goes. Filings to anti-fraud non-profit Cifas would support that claim, as Insider Threat Database (ITD) reports rose by 14% this past year and are largely attributable to hard-to-monitor work-from-home employees mixed with “increasing financial pressures.” The report details further incidents...

ANSI and the International Society of Automation Explained

As technologies advance and the world grows more complicated, collaboration and coordination have become increasingly important. Setting standards, sharing information, and bringing experts together are essential to safely developing technologies for national and global priorities, and the world needs organizations to fulfill this role. The...

Why Is Cyber Resilience Essential and Who's Responsible for It?

In the first installment of our series on cyber resilience, we discussed what being a resilient organization means. In this installment, we'll explore why organizations need to consider how to become resilient, who's responsible for achieving this, and the processes organizations must have to prioritize actions and effectively spend their budgets. ...

The Impact of NIST SP 800-171 on SMBs

From more broad laws like GDPR to industry-specific regulations like HIPAA, most organizations today must comply with some kind of data protection guideline. Some businesses may even have to comply with numerous data protection regulations. As such, compliance with data protection regulations has become increasingly complicated. National Institute...

"All for One and One for All": The EU Cyber Solidarity Act Strengthens Digital Defenses

Alexandre Dumas's timeless novel "The Three Musketeers" immortalized the ideal of unyielding solidarity, the enduring motto "All for one and one for all." In the face of ever-evolving threats in the digital realm, the European Union echoes this spirit with its landmark Cyber Solidarity Act. This new legislation recognizes that collective defense is...

SCM and NERC: What You Need to Know

Security configurations are an often ignored but essential factor in any organization’s security posture: any tool, program, or solution can be vulnerable to cyberattacks or other security incidents if the settings are not configured correctly. Staying on top of all of these security configurations can be a daunting responsibility for security or...

What Is an Axon Agent, and Why Do You Need One?

The number of endpoints in an organization often exceeds the number of employees. Managing these often disparate entities is more than a full-time job. Moreover, keeping them secure is equally difficult, yet securing all of your endpoints against cyber threats has become paramount for organizations worldwide. A common oversight that undermines these...

Embracing Two-Factor Authentication for Enhanced Account Protection

Let’s start the second quarter of the year with boosting our security posture by adopting two-factor authentication methods on our accounts to make them more secure. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an identity and access management security method that requires two forms of identification to access resources and data. The first factor you provide...

Exploring Advanced Tripwire Enterprise Capabilities

In today's digital landscape, it is important for organizations to depend upon the tools they use for cybersecurity. Large businesses can employ many security solutions, practices, and policies that must combine to create a robust and layered security strategy. While many of these tools are important and necessary, organizations often don't use them...