

Exploring the Impact of NIST SP 800-53 on Federal IT Systems

NIST SP 800-53 is a framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that provides guidelines and best practices for securing federal information systems and protecting the privacy of individuals whose information these systems handle.The Special Publication has gone by several different names. NIST initially released Special Publication 800-53 in 2005 under the...

Updates and Evolution of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework: What’s New?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), published by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is a widely used set of guidelines for mitigating organizational cybersecurity risks. It contains recommendations and standards to help organizations identify and detect cyberattacks and advice on how to respond, prevent, and recover from cybersecurity incidents.Since Version 1.0’s...

VERT Threat Alert: August 2024 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s August 2024 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-1119 as soon as coverage is completed.In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEsCVE-2024-38178CVE-2024-38178 describes a vulnerability in the Microsoft Edge scripting engine when run in Internet Explorer Mode. On top of requiring Edge be running in...

Find Your Best Fit: Solving the Cybersecurity Framework Puzzle

We recently presented the webcast "Find Your Best Fit, Solving the Cybersecurity Framework Puzzle." Tyler Reguly, who is a senior manager of research and development at Fortra and a former professor at his alma mater, Fanshawe College, served as the host. Tyler offered his wisdom about integrating CIS Controls into a comprehensive cybersecurity plan for your organization.Tyler examines the CIS...

Reliable Baseline Management with Fortra's Tripwire Enterprise

When performing a security assessment, many folks will focus on asset management. This is an important first step, as it often reveals assets in the environment that were previously unknown. The next step in determining how to best secure the organization is to establish a baseline of the current state, and to define what the secure baseline should be. Too often, the existing baseline is far below...

Have You Heard About the New PCI 4.0 Section 1.2 Spec? Tripwire Makes Compliance Easy

If you’ve been keeping up with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), you’ll know it has a new specification that revolves around network security controls. Let’s dig into the details.A Little Back StoryIt helps to level-set for anyone who might be coming into this from a non-technical role. We all know PCI DSS (v4.0) is the payment card industry’s compliance standard for...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for July 2024

Tripwire's July 2024 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities for Microsoft.First on the list are patches for Microsoft Office and Outlook that resolve remote code execution and spoofing vulnerabilities.Next are patches that affect components of the core Windows operating system. These patches resolve over 65 vulnerabilities, including elevation of privilege,...

Cybersecurity: The Unsung Hero of SOX Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was enacted to restore public confidence in the wake of major corporate and accounting scandals. The legislation aims to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws.One key aspect of SOX compliance is ensuring the integrity and security of financial data. In the digital age,...

Re-Extortion: How Ransomware Gangs Re-Victimize Victims

Ransomware has evolved significantly since its inception. Initially, these attacks were relatively simple: malware would encrypt a victim's files, and the attacker would demand a ransom for the decryption key. However, as cybersecurity measures improved, so did ransomware gangs' tactics.Modern ransomware attacks often involve sophisticated techniques such as data exfiltration, where attackers...

Navigating PCI DSS 4.0: Your Guide to Compliance Success

The transition to PCI DSS 4.0 is here. The transition period from PCI DSS 3.2 ended on March 31, 2024, so businesses in all sectors must focus on aligning their practices with the new requirements.This blog will guide you through the key points discussed by PCI experts Steven Sletten and Jeff Hall in a recent webinar held by Fortra on "PCI 4.0 is Here: Your Guide to Navigating Compliance Success....

The Dual Impact of AI on Power Grids: Efficiency and Vulnerability

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a promising solution to modernize power grids. The technology, alongside other upgrades like Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, could make energy infrastructure more reliable and sustainable. However, AI power grids also pose significant cybersecurity risks.Attacks against critical infrastructure are becoming more common. As energy authorities ramp...

Securing Diverse Environments: Security Configuration Management

In our technologically advanced era, where cyber threats and data breaches are constantly evolving, it's crucial for companies to focus on Security Configuration Management (SCM) to protect their resources and information. Whether dealing with infrastructure, cloud services, industrial installations, or outsourced solutions, each environment presents unique security challenges that require...

MitM Attacks: Understanding the Risks and Prevention Strategies

As our interactions with the digital world grow, connections will be established within seconds, leading to more online attacks. One type of attack we may be exposed to is known as a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) — a technique cyber attackers use to take over our online communications.The best way to stay safe online is with a better understanding of the problems caused by these digital attacks and...

5 Stages of Vulnerability Management Program Best Practices

Vulnerability management is a foundational cornerstone for reducing your organization’s cyber risk, but what are vulnerabilities and why is it important to create a strong vulnerability management program? The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) defines a vulnerability as, “Weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that...

What are the Current Trends in Cloud Technology?

In recent years, cloud technology has become integral to business operations. Compared to on-premises infrastructure, it allows for improved scalability and flexibility, cost savings, collaboration, security, and data loss prevention. The cloud computing market is set to reach $679 billion in value in 2024.But what are the trends currently defining the cloud computing market? According to Donnie...

The Role Regulators Will Play in Guiding AI Adoption to Minimize Security Risks

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming more pervasive within different industries, its transformational power arrives with considerable security threats. AI is moving faster than policy, whereas the lightning-quick deployment of AI technologies has outpaced the creation of broad regulatory frameworks, raising questions about data privacy, ethical implications, and cybersecurity. This gap is...

Low-Hanging Fruits Vs. Those at the Top of the Tree: Cybersecurity Edition

Companies often go for high-end cybersecurity solutions because dealing with complex problems looks impressive. The appeal of fancy tech and advanced security challenges gives them a sense of achievement and a chance to show off their skills - and says they're serious about staying ahead of cyber crooks.However, this isn't always the best strategy. Many significant risks arise from simple...

Addressing Client-Side Risks in PCI DSS 4.0

It seems like such a short time ago that the Security Standards Council released the newest version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It has been a full year, and version 4.0 is now in effect. Industries that adhere to the Standard were given the year to implement the new changes. The Standard includes limited exceptions for specific requirements, classifying them as...

Navigating Compliance: A Guide to the U.S. Government Configuration Baseline

For cybersecurity professionals tasked with defending the public sector, tackling the U.S. Government Configuration Baseline (USGCB) is just another hurdle to a safer federal tomorrow. Part of a wide collection of necessary federal government compliance requirements, it hones in on which baseline security configurations are necessary for federally deployed IT products. While not a standalone...

VERT Threat Alert: July 2024 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s July 2024 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-1114 as soon as coverage is completed. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEsCVE-2024-38112A vulnerability in the Windows MSHTML Platform could allow spoofing to occur. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability requires that the attacker convince...