

The Top 5 Vendor-Neutral Cloud Security Certifications of 2017

Many organizations migrate to the cloud because of increased efficiency, data space, scalability, speed and other benefits. But cloud computing comes with its own security threats. To address these challenges, companies should create a hybrid cloud environment, confirm that their cloud security solution offers 24/7 monitoring and multi-layered...

5 Tips for a Winning Security Project Business Case

Make no mistake: just like watching a perfect ballet performance, success is attributed to the hard work done behind the scenes. Only the best are chosen. The same goes for preparing and submitting a security project business case. Securing funding for a security project starts with a credible and comprehensive business case that not only justifies...

Using Smart Meters as a Digital Attack Vector

Even if you’re not in the utility industry, it’s hard to ignore the slow march forward of the smart meter. The days of a utility employee stopping by to check the meter are well on their way out. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a system that relies on someone physically showing up to check the meter at all. Today, smart meters go beyond simply...

Google is building an ad-blocker into Google Chrome, report claims

When the world's biggest online advertising platform is reported to be working on a technology to block ads in the world's most popular browser, it's no wonder that some eyebrows will be raised. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Google is planning to build an ad blocker into Google Chrome. The feature, which would be turned on by...

Met Police Database of 30,000 Gun Owners' Data Used for Marketing Campaign

London gun owners want to know if the Metropolitan Police shared a database containing 30,000 firearm registrants' information with a marketing firm. On 18 April, 5,000 rifle owners and 25,000 shotgun owners living in London received a leaflet in the day's mail. Titled "Protect Your Firearms and Shotguns with SmartWater," the leaflet urges the...

The Human Factor: Cybersecurity’s Forgotten Conversation

In any conflict, humans are impacted. In conflict, the best scenario is that the individual leaves unscathed and perhaps even unaware of what could have been their misfortune, whereas in the worst of cases – such as kinetic warfare – the impact can be the ultimate price: loss of life. There is also a cruel truth of conflict that often gets looked...

Cyber Security in Canada's Schools: An Interview with Benjamin Kelly

Cyber security is a priority for every country in today's world. Canadian educators are among those who understand this fact. This explains why some of Canada's teachers are creating programs designed to foster students' interest and skills in the field. We at The State of Security are enthusiastic about these new cyber security educational programs...

How Universities Can Help Fill the Security Skills Gap

The world is currently experiencing a serious cyber security talent shortage that is having profound effects on businesses and governments alike. An alarming number of cyber security/information security professionals surveyed for ISACA’s State of Cyber Security 2017 report (37 percent of 633 respondents) said fewer than 1 in 4 job applicants...

Conference Passes – Cyber Security Merit Badges

What is the first thing you do upon returning from a conference, seminar, or other event? Quickly update your LinkedIn network with new contacts from the event? Draft a presentation that you promised as part of the business justification to attend the conference? Prioritize a list of products you want to implement, and why? Me? I add my latest...

Women in Information Security: Emily Crose

Previously, I interviewed Dr. Jessica Barker. She's a woman who runs a firm, J L Barker Ltd., where she advises many British organizations on how to handle information more securely. Now, I'm honoured to talk to Emily Crose, a network threat hunter. I discovered her on Medium, where she wrote a thought-provoking article about the differences in her...

5 Things You Should Know about Gift Card Fraud

In 2016, the U.S. gift card industry was worth $127 billion. That figure is expected to reach $160 billion by 2018. It's little wonder why. Everyone loves them! From the retailer's point of view, customers who shop using a gift card oftentimes spend more than the initial value of the card. As for the customers themselves, gift cards allow them to...

Managing Cyber Risk in Schools and Educational Institutions

With analyst group Gartner valuing the annual global spending on educational technology at over £17 billion ($21 billion USD) in 2015, there's no doubt that technology implementation is shaping the future of education systems. The appropriate integration of technology guides students, teachers, and administrators towards clarity and extensibility....

How Secure Are You with Your Smartphones?

Take a moment to think about apps used daily on your smartphone. Facebook? Twitter? Email? Web browser? No one wants to be stalked or let anyone see their personal information from their smartphones. Think about leaving your phone unlocked while you're at home or unattended on your desk while going for meeting at work. What if someone looks at your...

LinkedIn Scam Wants Job Seekers to Hand Over Their CVs

Fraudsters have designed a new LinkedIn scam that uses phishing emails and a fake website to trick job seekers into handing over their CVs. The scam begins when a user receives a phishing email disguised as a LinkedIn email. In their message, the fraudsters inform the recipient that a company is "urgently seeking for immediate employment" in their...

Graduating in Information Security: Part Two

In part one of this series, I posited that additional integrity on a resume, as well as in interview situations, can benefit the entire information security profession by highlighting the specific disciplines in our industry. This, in turn, could serve to stop the perception of a cyber skills-gap by driving awareness that the InfoSec field is...