

Payment Card Data Security Incident Disclosed by Rutter's

Convenience store and gas station chain Rutter's disclosed a security incident that might have affected customers' payment card data. According to a notice posted on its website, Rutter's launched an investigation after receiving a report from a third-party of someone having gained unauthorized...

Puerto Rico government falls for $2.6 million email scam

As if Puerto Rico wasn't having a hard enough time as it attempts to recover from a recession, the damage caused by devastating hurricanes in recent years, and a damaging earthquake last month, it now finds itself being exploited by cybercriminals. According to media reports, the government of the US island territory has lost more than US $2.6...

'Ransomwared' Ransomware Strain Demands Explicit Pictures as Payment

Security researchers spotted a new ransomware strain called "Ransomwared" demanding explicit pictures from its victims as a means of payment. Upon successful infection, Ransomwared runs its encryption routine, appending the file extensions ".ransomwared" and ".iwanttits" to each file it encrypts. Given the names of the file extensions, it's not...

A Guide to Digital Privacy for You and Your Family

Having worked with many individuals responding to incidents where their digital private images were shared without consent, social media or email accounts had unauthorised access, and even physical safety was a concern, it is all too familiar how terrifying the unknown can be. As someone who has been on both the victim's and later the responder’s...

VERT Threat Alert: February 2020 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s February 2020 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-870 on Wednesday, February 12th. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs CVE-2020-0674 A vulnerability exists in the way that Internet Explorer’s scripting engine handles objects in memory. An...

New PayPal Phishing Email Scam Wants Your Social Security Number

Security researchers have spotted a new PayPal phishing email scam that tries to steal a victim's Social Security Number (SSN), among other sensitive data. The attack email informed a victim that their PayPal account was locked, and it instructed them to click a "Secure and update my account now !" button. Doing so directed a user to a link...

Cybersecurity Awareness with Graham Cluley

Listen and subscribe to our new podcast! Tripwire’s cybersecurity podcast features 20-minute conversations with the people who protect people from cyber threats. Hosted by Tripwire’s VP of Product Management and Strategy, Tim Erlin, each episode brings on a new guest to explore the evolving threat landscape, technology trends, and cybersecurity best...

Cyber Resilience – Everything You (Really) Need to Know

What is cyber resilience? If you search the definition within the Oxford Dictionary, resilience alone is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.” If you narrow the definition down to cyber resilience, it shifts to maintaining vs recovery. As noted on Wikipedia, it becomes “the ability to provide and maintain an...

Protecting Organizations from Customized Phishing Attacks

Phishing Attack A few years ago, I myself was vished, or ‘phished,’ over the phone. The caller was someone, likely offshore in a call center, who had done a little bit of research online to find my name, my phone number, my wireless phone carrier and a few other details that they used to build rapport with me on the phone. Spoofing the customer...

10 Tenets for Cyber Resilience in a Digital World

Companies are facing increased and complex cybersecurity challenges in today’s interconnected digital economy. The cyber threats have become more sophisticated and may harm a company via innovative new forms of malware, through the compromise of global supply chains or by criminal and hostile state actors. The hard truth is that it is difficult to...

3 Malware Trends to Watch Out for in 2020

Malware closed out 2019 on a strong note. According to AV-TEST, malware authors’ efforts throughout the year helped push the total number of known malware above one billion samples. This development wouldn’t have been possible without the vigor exhibited by malware authors in the fall of 2019. Indeed, after detecting 8.5 million new samples in June...

DDoS Attack Potentially Targeted State Voter Registration Site, Says FBI

The FBI said that a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack potentially targeted a state-level voter registration site. In a Private Industry Notification (PIN) released on February 4, the FBI said that a state-level voter registration and voter information website received a high volume of DNS requests over the period of a month. Those requests...

What Is Log Management, and Why Is It Important?

I think we all know what log management is. As discussed in a 2017 article for The State of Security, log management is about systematically orchestrating the system and network logs collected by the organization. That being said, there’s still some confusion surrounding why an enterprise would want to collect log data in the first place. There are...

Spam Campaign Leveraged RTF Documents to Spread Infostealers

A spam campaign leveraged malicious RTF documents to distribute notorious infostealers including Agent Tesla and Lokibot. While digging through a few other spam campaigns, Lastline observed unusual use of the C# compiler from the command line in some samples. Its researchers performed additional analysis and found that the samples belonged to the...