

Solid Foundations for Cloud Security: Houses Built on Sand or Rock

Moving mission critical applications to the cloud provides a whole host of benefits but it also means trusting cloud providers with key aspects of security and compliance. This paper provides tools you can use to evaluate the security and compliance offerings of cloud computing partners. It also describes how Tripwire’s solutions can be used to build and deploy a rock-solid security foundation...

Executing an Efficient Cloud Security Strategy

How do organizations execute an efficient cloud security strategy and find the right cloud security tools? Tripwire asked a range of cloud security experts to share their thoughts on some of the key challenges regarding secure cloud storage and cloud computing security.

Defending Industrial Control Systems

Threats to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are increasing—a reality that ICS-centric industries have begun to recognize. As a response to the growing need for protection from cyberattacks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the National Security Agency (NSA) have published Seven Steps to Effectively Defend Industrial...

Detailed Mapping of the Tripwire and CIS Controls

The goal of the Center for Internet Security Controls is to protect critical assets, infrastructure and information by strengthening your organization's defensive posture through continuous, automated protection and monitoring of your IT infrastructure. The strength of the Controls is that it reflects the combined knowledge of actual attacks and effective defenses from experts in many...

18 Expert Tips for Effective and Secure Cloud Migration

Organizations are increasingly migrating to the cloud to process their IT resources. Gartner predicts that cloud data centers will process 92 percent of workloads by 20201, while Cisco forecasts cloud workloads to increase 3.2x in that span of time2. Under the Shared Responsibility Model, migrating organizations need to ensure security in the cloud by taking adequate measures to protect their...

Cloud Control Buyer's Guide

Introduction The world of IT is moving to the cloud for flexibility, on-demand computing resources, and speed just to name a few benefits. Market data varies but estimates of cloud usage show that in the range of 20–25% of overall compute workloads are operating in public cloud environments today, with that expected to grow to 50% over the next 5–10 years. However, most organizations haven’t...

Cloud Article Anthology, vol. 1

Security leaders charged with reducing their organizations’ cloud attack surfaces have to stay continually up-to-date in a security landscape that changes in the blink of an eye. This anthology of insights from some of Tripwire’s leading cloud experts will help you understand how to prioritize and tackle your cloud security imperatives. Download your copy now to learn: Eight cloud security...

Actionable Threat Intelligence: Automated IoC Matching with Tripwire

A key security challenge is finding and rooting out malware that has already become embedded on key assets. Organizations today have myriad threat intelligence sources to leverage. However, simply getting the intelligence into your organization is not enough. Unless you have a way to operationalize myriad threat intelligence sources to make it actionable and useful, threat intelligence just...

The Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) maintains comprehensive reliability standards that define requirements for planning and operating the bulk electric system (BES). Among these are the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Cyber Security Standards, which specify a minimum set of controls and processes for power generation and transmission companies to follow to ensure...

Tripwire State Analyzer

Get Safe and Compliant Keeping your organization safe and compliant is challenging and complex. Security is more effective when you have documented baselines for a system’s configuration, usually in the form of a security policy. These policies specify recommended or required system configurations, including applications, ports, services, and security basics. But ask yourself: How can I validate...

Tripwire Industrial Edge

However, gaining this caliber of visibility can be challenging for many reasons, including: Standard IT solutions and scanning methods are typically incompatible with and unsafe for industrial networks » Traditional industrial asset inventory solutions often require hardware that can be costly, complex, and time consuming to deploy Many industrial networks are geographically isolated and/or...

Tripwire ExpertOps and NIST 800-171

Federal security managers expect that most federally run systems are actively engaging with FISMA compliance for protecting federal data and systems. However, as we all know, federal information does not remain only in federally operated systems. Data and IT systems connect via the Internet and other networks for business, operations and research. Information about citizens, banking and finance,...

Tripwire Solutions for Industrial Control Systems

Industrial automation and process control systems largely run our world. However, cyber risks to industrial networks, endpoints and control systems are on the rise and protecting highly specialized plant environments can be very challenging for industrial businesses and critical infrastructure. Cyber threats have been shown to come from simple employee or contractor error, malicious insiders or...

Industrial Cybersecurity from Tripwire Enterprise

How are you protecting your industrial assets from cyber threats? Industrial control system (ICS) environments pose unique security challenges that can quickly drain your resources if you’re faced with time consuming manual asset inventory and a lack of cohesion between your organization’s IT and OT strategies. Many security solutions can disrupt ICS or SCADA equipment as well, meaning you need a...

Tripwire Cloud Deployment Services

Cloud computing has transformed business and government at an extraordinary pace by delivering business-supporting technology more efficiently than ever. The cloud has changed the way IT thinks about how to design and deliver computing technology applications and, according to Gartner, by 2015 10% of enterprise IT security will be delivered in the cloud. What if enterprises could improve IT...

Tripwire Resident Engineers

The cybersecurity skills gap can leave many organizations without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause an organization to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote...

Tripwire Resident Engineers for Federal Agencies

The cybersecurity skills gap leaves Federal agencies without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause agencies to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote work...

NERC CIP 013 Compliance

More attention is being paid to risks around the supply chain in the bulk electricity system (BES). When third-party vendors introduce new products, software and personnel into a power supplier’s environment, the potential for new cyber risks increases. For this reason, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently added a new set of requirements to its Critical...

Achieving Resilience While Fulfilling NERC CIP Requirements

Some of our nation’s most critical physical infrastructure is represented by the national Bulk Electric Systems (BES). Today’s digital world relies upon this interconnected network of power generation and transmission systems more than ever. To ensure the reliability and resilience of that network, providers must continually manage threats to the infrastructure, including many that relate to...