

Threat Prevention is Foundational

How proper foundational controls help block today’s advanced threats

Tripwire State of Industrial Cybersecurity Report

As news of cyberthreats targeting industrial environments like energy utilities and manufacturing plants continues to surface, Tripwire surveyed security professionals who work in these industries to understand how industrial organizations are protecting themselves. The survey findings revealed insights on the security professionals’ levels of concern, investment in cybersecurity, and how they are...

Physical Cybersecurity: ICS Attack Scenarios and CIP-007 R1

The premise of a January 27, 2015, article by CNBC is that there is good evidence that a cyber attack against nearly any country’s critical infrastructure could be imminent. This kind of reporting has become so commonplace, but this doesn’t seem like just more FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) journalism. ...

Meeting Multiple Compliance Objectives Simultaneously With the CIS Controls

The CIS Controls are a set of recommendations comprised of controls and benchmarks. They are intended to serve as a cybersecurity “best practice” for preventing damaging attacks. The recommendations are meant to provide a holistic approach to cybersecurity and to be effective across all industries. Adhering to them serves as an effective foundation for any organization’s security and compliance...

Industrial Cybersecurity Experts Share 14 of Their Biggest Tips and Predictions

The task of building and running an effective cybersecurity program is a major challenge for any complex organization, but those in charge of industrial control systems (ICS) have even more to figure out than their strictly-IT counterparts. How can industrial organizations overcome the cybersecurity skills gap? What about the increasingly-difficult endeavor of bringing the IT and OT sides of the...

6 Expert Industrial Cybersecurity Tips for CISOs

Digital attacks are a growing concern for industrial control system (ICS) security professionals. In a 2019 survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 88 percent of respondents told Tripwire that they were concerned about the threat of a digital attack. An even greater percentage (93 percent) attributed their concerns to the possibility of an attack producing a shutdown or downtime. Other survey...

The Industrial Control System (ICS) Visibility Imperative

The rapid convergence of IT and OT systems can leave even the most cybersecurity-mature organizations exposed. Industrial security teams are under-reacting to new cyberthreats, and legacy operational technology simply wasn’t built to handle the risks incurred by connecting to IT systems. The main issue is visibility: You can’t secure what you can’t see. Safety, productivity, and uptime are...

Industrial Cybersecurity is Essential

Don’t believe there are real cyberthreats to your operations network and control systems? Data shows otherwise. Better foundational industrial cybersecurity practices can help prevent disruption to your operations and financial risk to your bottom line. ...

The Executive's Guide to the CIS Controls

See how simple and effective security controls can create a framework that helps you protect your organization and data from known cyber attack vectors. This publication was designed to assist executives by providing guidance for implementing broad baseline technical controls that are required to ensure a robust network security posture. In this guide, we will cover a wide range of topics...

Defending Industrial Control Systems

Threats to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are increasing—a reality that ICS-centric industries have begun to recognize. As a response to the growing need for protection from cyberattacks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the National Security Agency (NSA) have published Seven Steps to Effectively Defend Industrial...

Detailed Mapping of the Tripwire and CIS Controls

The goal of the Center for Internet Security Controls is to protect critical assets, infrastructure and information by strengthening your organization's defensive posture through continuous, automated protection and monitoring of your IT infrastructure. The strength of the Controls is that it reflects the combined knowledge of actual attacks and effective defenses from experts in many...

Tripwire State Analyzer

Get Safe and Compliant Keeping your organization safe and compliant is challenging and complex. Security is more effective when you have documented baselines for a system’s configuration, usually in the form of a security policy. These policies specify recommended or required system configurations, including applications, ports, services, and security basics. But ask yourself: How can I validate...

Tripwire Industrial Edge

However, gaining this caliber of visibility can be challenging for many reasons, including: Standard IT solutions and scanning methods are typically incompatible with and unsafe for industrial networks » Traditional industrial asset inventory solutions often require hardware that can be costly, complex, and time consuming to deploy Many industrial networks are geographically isolated and/or...

Tripwire ExpertOps and NIST 800-171

Federal security managers expect that most federally run systems are actively engaging with FISMA compliance for protecting federal data and systems. However, as we all know, federal information does not remain only in federally operated systems. Data and IT systems connect via the Internet and other networks for business, operations and research. Information about citizens, banking and finance,...

Tripwire Solutions for Industrial Control Systems

Industrial automation and process control systems largely run our world. However, cyber risks to industrial networks, endpoints and control systems are on the rise and protecting highly specialized plant environments can be very challenging for industrial businesses and critical infrastructure. Cyber threats have been shown to come from simple employee or contractor error, malicious insiders or...

Industrial Cybersecurity from Tripwire Enterprise

How are you protecting your industrial assets from cyber threats? Industrial control system (ICS) environments pose unique security challenges that can quickly drain your resources if you’re faced with time consuming manual asset inventory and a lack of cohesion between your organization’s IT and OT strategies. Many security solutions can disrupt ICS or SCADA equipment as well, meaning you need a...

Tripwire Enterprise and Cisco AMP Threat Grid

Overview There is mounting concern at the senior executive and board level regarding cybersecurity, driven by highly visible advanced targeted attacks. These attacks threaten precious IP, valuable customer information, company valuation and trade secrets. To truly protect valuable resources, organizations have to accept the nature of modern networked environments and devices, and start defending...

Tripwire Resident Engineers

The cybersecurity skills gap can leave many organizations without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause an organization to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote...

Tripwire Resident Engineers for Federal Agencies

The cybersecurity skills gap leaves Federal agencies without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause agencies to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote work...

Improving your Cybersecurity Posture with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

There isn’t an industry that hasn’t been affected by cyber threats, and the broadcast industry is no exception. In April 2015, France’s TV5Monde was attacked, resulting in eleven of its channels going dark and its social media outlets commandeered to display pro-Islamic State messages. This was preceded by an attack on WBOC in Salisbury, Maryland, where their Twitter account and website were...