
Product Video

Malware Analysis with Tripwire Enterprise and Lastline

If you are a user of Security tools, you will be interested in this short (4 minutes) demo. You’ll discover the power of the solution: Tripwire Enterprise endpoint and server monitoring and detection, integrated with Lastline Breach Detection Platform. See how you can greatly reduce the time needed to accurately detect and protect against advanced and persistent threats, from the network edge, to...
On-Demand Webinar

How to Protect Against the Ransomware Epidemic

Ransomware has developed from a niche attack to a booming criminal market over the last year because the simple, turn-key business model behind ransomware infections doesn’t require any real technical skill to execute. As a result ransomware will continue to evolve and will continue to escalate for the foreseeable future. The good news is that there are simple steps you can take today using...

Verizon 2021 DBIR Response Checklist

The Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), which takes a deep dive into data-driven findings on the state of global cybersecurity across a number of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, financial and public administration. This year’s report revealed trends behind 79,635 cybersecurity incidents and 5,258 confirmed data breaches across 88 countries. To help security...

Vulnerability Management Buyer's Guide

Most organizations understand the critical role that vulnerability management (VM) plays in helping them meet compliance requirements, ensure security and reduce risk. However, many organizations discover, only after investing in a solution, that it doesn’t properly address their needs. Avoiding this costly mistake can be difficult though, because at first glance many VM solutions appear similar. ...

Climbing Vulnerability Management Mountain

Building your organization’s vulnerability management program is a daunting yet rewarding journey, similar to climbing a mountain. Doing this takes time, planning and hard work, but will be worth it when you get to the top. To help you take on this challenge, Tripwire has outlined the five maturity levels you will use as your guide when building your program. Learn about how you can minimize risk...

Tripwire State of Cyber Hygiene Report

Tripwire’s State of Cyber Hygiene report reveals the results of an extensive cybersecurity survey conducted in partnership with Dimensional Research. The survey examined if and how organizations are implementing security controls that the Center for Internet Security (CIS) refers to as "Cyber Hygiene." Real-world breaches and security incidents prove over and over again that many of the most...

A Tripwire Zero Trust Reference Architecture

The concept of Zero Trust Architecture is fairly straightforward. Networks and systems have been traditionally designed with the assumption that everybody inside a defined perimeter can be trusted and that everybody outside that perimeter is hostile. With that assumption, the idea of building an impenetrable wall around that perimeter makes perfect sense. Over time, and as technology has advanced,...

Understanding Your Attack Surface: The First Step in Risk-based Security Intelligence

As chief information security officer (CISO), it’s now a job requirement to effectively communicate with your non-technical C-suite and board of directors—preferably not just after there’s been a breach. This is the first in a series of executive white papers designed to share strategies for reducing your attack surface risk as well as how to clearly and objectively communicate your overall security posture to non-technical executives. Download this white paper and learn about: The definition of “attack surface” — and risks associated Design goals of attack surface analytics What non-technical C-suite executives and board members want

The Changing Role of the CISO

The chief information security officer, or CISO, is essential to the smooth and safe operation of any large organization. Over the past few years, though, the scope and scale of the CISO’s task has increased markedly. No longer simply a head of IT security, the CISO is responsible for a far wider range of cyber defenses and protective measures that extend well beyond the organization’s perimeter...

Threat Prevention is Foundational

How proper foundational controls help block today’s advanced threats

Five Critical Steps of a Complete Security Risk and Compliance Lifecycle

Maintaining security and compliance in today’s ever changing environment is a never ending task. To manage that task, the most successful companies adopt a systematic approach that promotes continuous improvement. Tripwire is a leading provider of enterprise-class foundational controls for security, compliance and IT operations. Tripwire worked with its most successful customers to understand...

Tripwire 2020 Skills Gap Survey

The skills gap remains one of the biggest challenges within the cybersecurity industry. To gain more perspective on what organizations are experiencing, Tripwire partnered with Dimensional Research to survey 342 security professionals on this issue. This study explores hiring trends, how security teams are changing, and how they plan to address the issue in the face of growing cyber threats. ...

Tripwire State of Industrial Cybersecurity Report

As news of cyberthreats targeting industrial environments like energy utilities and manufacturing plants continues to surface, Tripwire surveyed security professionals who work in these industries to understand how industrial organizations are protecting themselves. The survey findings revealed insights on the security professionals’ levels of concern, investment in cybersecurity, and how they are...

Meeting Multiple Compliance Objectives Simultaneously With the CIS Controls

The CIS Controls are a set of recommendations comprised of controls and benchmarks. They are intended to serve as a cybersecurity “best practice” for preventing damaging attacks. The recommendations are meant to provide a holistic approach to cybersecurity and to be effective across all industries. Adhering to them serves as an effective foundation for any organization’s security and compliance...

Industrial Cybersecurity Experts Share 14 of Their Biggest Tips and Predictions

The task of building and running an effective cybersecurity program is a major challenge for any complex organization, but those in charge of industrial control systems (ICS) have even more to figure out than their strictly-IT counterparts. How can industrial organizations overcome the cybersecurity skills gap? What about the increasingly-difficult endeavor of bringing the IT and OT sides of the...

6 Expert Industrial Cybersecurity Tips for CISOs

Digital attacks are a growing concern for industrial control system (ICS) security professionals. In a 2019 survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 88 percent of respondents told Tripwire that they were concerned about the threat of a digital attack. An even greater percentage (93 percent) attributed their concerns to the possibility of an attack producing a shutdown or downtime. Other survey...

Industrial Cybersecurity is Essential

Don’t believe there are real cyberthreats to your operations network and control systems? Data shows otherwise. Better foundational industrial cybersecurity practices can help prevent disruption to your operations and financial risk to your bottom line. ...