

PCI DSS and the CIS Controls

Benchmarks, Standards, Frameworks and Regulations: What’s the Difference? The majority of IT security guidance to industry can be placed into one of these categories: benchmarks, standards, frameworks and regulations. Most address specific security issues and offer advice based on experience, collaborated information, authorities and activities (best practices) which have proven effective. They...

Meeting Multiple Compliance Objectives Simultaneously With the CIS Controls

The CIS Controls are a set of recommendations comprised of controls and benchmarks. They are intended to serve as a cybersecurity “best practice” for preventing damaging attacks. The recommendations are meant to provide a holistic approach to cybersecurity and to be effective across all industries. Adhering to them serves as an effective foundation for any organization’s security and compliance...

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Governance, Risk & Compliance, or Generating Real Capability! How do we use GRC as a business enabler, and focus on the benefits it brings?

5 File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) Myths and Misconceptions

File integrity monitoring (FIM) is the cybersecurity process that monitors and detects changes in your environment to alert you to threats and helps you remediate them. While monitoring environments for change sounds simple enough, there are plenty of misconceptions about how exactly FIM fits into a successful cybersecurity program. It’s essential to address those common myths now so that...

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) Software Buyer's Guide

There’s a lot more to file integrity monitoring than simply detecting change. Although FIM is a common policy requirement, there are many FIM capabilities and processes you can elect to implement or not. These can vary from a simple “checkbox” compliance tool to the option to build effective security and operational controls. These decisions directly affect the value your organization gains from...

The Value of True File Integrity Monitoring

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is a technology that monitors for changes in files that may indicate a cyberattack. In many organizations, however, FIM mostly means noise: too many changes, no context around these changes, and little insight into whether a detected change actually poses a risk. What does file integrity monitoring do? FIM, and often referred to as “change audit” was around long...

Essential PCI DSS v4.0 Transition Checklist

The proliferation of online transactions isn’t the only reason the PCI Council created the new 4.0 standard. Recent years have also seen increasingly sophisticated methods among cybercriminals, a surge in cloud use, and the rise of contactless payments. This spurred the need for an updated set of PCI DSS requirements, which were released in March 2022 and will become mandatory in March 2024 for...

Integrity: The True Measure of Enterprise Security

Federal cybersecurity integrity is often defined as the incorruptibility of data (as part of the CIA triad), and file integrity monitoring (FIM), a control which has become a compliance requirement in standards such as FISMA and PCI DSS. Read the full white paper to learn more.

Adjusting to the Reality of Risk Management Framework

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an approach to systems security management that adjusts security controls based on risk factors. The practice involves a continuous cycle of identifying new threats, choosing effective controls, measuring their effectiveness and improving system security. Federal entities need to understand and utilize RMF as...

Building a Mature Vulnerability Management Program

A successful vulnerability management program requires more than the right technology. It requires dedicated people and mature processes. When done properly, the result can be a continuously improving risk management system for your organization. This white paper was written by CISSP-certified Tripwire system engineers with extensive experience in implementation of vulnerability management...

The Five Stages of Vulnerability Management Maturity

One key element of an effective information security program within your organization is having a good vulnerability management (VM) program, as it can identify critical risks. Most, if not all, regulatory policies require a VM program, and information security frameworks advise implementing VM as one of first things an organization should do when building their information security program. ...