

The Role Regulators Will Play in Guiding AI Adoption to Minimize Security Risks

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming more pervasive within different industries, its transformational power arrives with considerable security threats. AI is moving faster than policy, whereas the lightning-quick deployment of AI technologies has outpaced the creation of broad regulatory frameworks, raising questions about data privacy, ethical implications, and cybersecurity. This gap is...

Low-Hanging Fruits Vs. Those at the Top of the Tree: Cybersecurity Edition

Companies often go for high-end cybersecurity solutions because dealing with complex problems looks impressive. The appeal of fancy tech and advanced security challenges gives them a sense of achievement and a chance to show off their skills - and says they're serious about staying ahead of cyber crooks.However, this isn't always the best strategy. Many significant risks arise from simple...

Addressing Client-Side Risks in PCI DSS 4.0

It seems like such a short time ago that the Security Standards Council released the newest version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It has been a full year, and version 4.0 is now in effect. Industries that adhere to the Standard were given the year to implement the new changes. The Standard includes limited exceptions for specific requirements, classifying them as...

Navigating Compliance: A Guide to the U.S. Government Configuration Baseline

For cybersecurity professionals tasked with defending the public sector, tackling the U.S. Government Configuration Baseline (USGCB) is just another hurdle to a safer federal tomorrow. Part of a wide collection of necessary federal government compliance requirements, it hones in on which baseline security configurations are necessary for federally deployed IT products. While not a standalone...

A Deeper Dive into DISA's Cybersecurity Initiatives

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is a Department of Defense (DoD) service provider that supplies a global information-sharing architecture for all DoD members "from the President on down." Their cybersecurity measures are among the best in the world. As Amy Probst, Lead Customer Management Specialist at DISA, explains, DISA’s Cybersecurity Service Provider (CSSP) program "monitors...

GAO Urges Stronger Federal Cybersecurity Measures Amid Rising Threats

The IT and OT systems that support not only federal governmental agencies but also national critical infrastructure must be protected, but developing a security strategy effective against threats is no easy feat. It can be difficult to cover all of the necessary areas, given that these systems are “complex and dynamic, technologically diverse, and often geographically dispersed,” according to a...

Cybersecurity Best Practices for SOX Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), enacted by the United States Congress in 2002, is a landmark piece of legislation that aims to improve transparency, accountability, and integrity in financial reporting and corporate governance. The act was a response to high-profile corporate scandals, such as those involving Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco International, which shook investor confidence and underscored...

IoT Security Regulations: A Compliance Checklist – Part 2

In Part 1, the existing global regulations around IoT were introduced. In this part, the challenge of complying with these rules is examined.The IoT Security ChallengeSecuring the Internet of Things (IoT) presents complex challenges that stem primarily from the scale, heterogeneity, and distributed nature of IoT networks:Inconsistent security standards: One of the most pressing issues is the...

A Look at Container Security Through the Lens of DevOps

Containerization has revolutionized application development, deployment, and management – and for good reason. The ability to automatically wrap an application and its dependencies into a single, easily deployable package helps developers focus on what they do best: writing code. Widely recognized as the go-to method to boost productivity and simplify the process, containerization keeps gaining...

Zero Trust Maturity: How to Know When You’re Getting Close

Zero Trust maturity might be one of the least understood security buzzwords of our era. The term “Zero Trust” was originally coined over a decade ago and described the principle of not assigning digital trust to any entity, ever, for free. It represented a fundamental paradigm shift from the trust-happy early internet days to the threat-filled cyber landscape we now know.Since then, companies have...

Where Security Starts in Your Security Projects

The successful implementation of new tools and processes hinges not just on the technology itself but on meticulous project management. From ensuring secure access to the underlying infrastructure, a new tool will be implemented upon defining clear goals and understanding the security footprint of the service. Even the earliest steps of your rollout can be important in the long run. Getting all...

How to Spot a Winning NERC CIP Project

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) regulations often make exacting demands of Fortra Tripwire's customers, requiring them to update or create new change processes and document those processes in order to comply. In any NERC CIP-centered IT\OT project, there are always crucial indicators of success - even before the project gets...

Breaking Compliance into Bite-Sized Portions

Many companies strive to achieve the best security possible. Along the path to improved security, many companies are also required to meet various compliance standards. In some cases, compliance is also a regulatory requirement. This crossroad between security and compliance can sometimes seem at odds with the organization’s goals. Compliance does...

What is the Standard of Good Practice for Information Security?

The ISF (Information Security Forum) Standard of Good Practice (SoGP) is a comprehensive set of best practices designed to help organizations effectively manage their information security risks. Covering various topics, including governance, risk management, compliance, incident management, and technical security controls, it helps establish and...
On-Demand Webinar

PCI 4.0 is Here: Your Guide to Navigating Compliance Success

The transition period from PCI DSS 3.2.1 to 4.0 ended on March 31, 2024, a date toward which many organizations have dedicated countless hours of preparation. Looking back on that time, do you know where your compliance efforts stand now? Watch PCI experts Steven Sletten and Jeff Hall in this on-demand webinar PCI 4.0 is Here: Your Guide to Navigating Compliance Success to learn how to...

Data Destruction: The Final Line of Defense Against Cyber Attacks

Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations, and while watertight data protection policies are undeniably crucial, the need for robust data destruction methods has never been more pressing. Ultimately, all parties and vendors in your supply chain trust you to maintain the integrity of their data. Once that data is no longer needed, transparency...

Cloud Sprawl: How to Tidy It Up

Cloud computing offers indisputable benefits, but with the caveat that it can quickly become a disorganized jumble unless adequately managed. It’s common for the average organization to use dozens of cloud instances, solutions, and resources scattered across multiple platforms. Such off-premises services quickly accumulate to accommodate the company...

HITRUST: the Path to Cyber Resilience

Much has been made of cyber resilience in recent years. And with good reason: failing to bounce back quickly from a security event can have dramatic financial consequences. In early 2023, Royal Mail took several days to recover from a Lockbit cyberattack, losing upwards of £10 million in the process. However, for all the talk about resilience, the industry seems to be overlooking one of its...

The UK’s Cybersecurity: Where Is it and Where Is it Going?

In early April this year, the UK's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) released its Cybersecurity Breaches Survey 2024. It provides a comprehensive overview of the UK's cybersecurity landscape, exploring the different cyberattacks and cybercrimes businesses, charities, and private sector educational instructions face, the...

Making Data Integrity Easy: Simplifying NIST CSF with Tripwire

When you think of the cybersecurity "CIA" triad of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, which one of those is most important to your organization? While the answer may vary by season for your organization, there is no argument that they are all equally vital sides of that CIA triangle, and each deserves the correct level of care and...