

The Role of the SEC in Enforcing InfoSec Legislation

What is the SEC? Founded 85 years ago at the height of the Great Depression, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a clear mission: to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Put simply, the SEC aims to protect US investors by maintaining a fair market. The SEC doesn’t work...

PCI DSS 4.0 Requirements – Protect Stored Account Data and Protect Cardholder Data During Transmission

If someone asked you “are you protecting your data,” your initial response would probably be to clarify what they are referring to specifically, since the question is so broadly stated. You could just reply with a terse “Yes,” but that is as open-ended and nebulous as the question. The general idea of data protection encompasses so many areas, from...

Cybersecurity Standards in the Banking Industry

Cybersecurity has risen to become a major concern for nearly every industry. With the constant stream of news about the escalating numbers of breaches, it is understandable that governments have taken a more active role by passing cybersecurity and privacy legislation. Some of the industries are not top of mind to many people. For example, few...

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) Toolkit

File integrity monitoring (FIM) is used to detect and correct unauthorized system changes that may be indicators of compromise. As the inventors of FIM, Fortra’s Tripwire has a multi-decade track record of helping organizations that want to reduce cyber risk and achieve system integrity to avoid security breaches and audit fines. This toolkit is a collection of helpful resources such as articles,...

PCI DSS Resource Toolkit

PCI DSS Resources for Seamless Compliance The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is one of the most widely applied regulatory compliance standards, meaning thousands of organizations can benefit from streamlining their compliance programs to avoid audit fines and protect cardholder data. Fortra’s Tripwire is an authority on how to achieve continuous, automated compliance and...

PCI DSS 4.0: How to Delight the Auditors

While we all know the actual point of PCI is vastly more far-reaching, we can’t deny that the juggernaut of PCI DSS 4.0 compliance is getting past the auditors. However, there is a right way to do it that doesn’t just check the box – it creates the underlying business operations that enable you to pass an audit any day, at any time, with just the...

Security Journeys: From Change Management to Compliance

Zero Trust seems to no longer command the volume of articles that once set it up as a trend that promised a bright new future for security. This is in part because security is a journey. Rushed implementations and low returns often result in burnout with new technology, and generally the real work happens in the quiet stages when analysts and...

How to comply with PCI DSS 4.0 while juggling day-to-day tasks

In our webinar, Insights for Navigating PCI DSS 4.0 Milestones, we discuss some of the challenges organizations face as they try to comprehend the new requirements of PCI DSS 4.0. One of the questions we commonly hear is, “How do we prepare for PCI 4.0 deadlines while still maintaining day-to-day operations?” The discussion involved David Bruce,...

Insider Insights for the PCI DSS 4.0 Transition

Is your organization ready for the new PCI DSS 4.0 Standard? If you’re already compliant with the most recent version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), you’ve probably already begun transitioning to version 4.0 ahead of the upcoming deadline. To help you make the journey easier and more straightforward, Fortra’s Tripwire gathered strategic implementation advice from...

Explaining the PCI DSS Evolution & Transition Phase

The boon of online business and credit card transactions in the early 90s and 2000s resulted in an increasing trend of online payment fraud. Since then, securing business and online card transactions has been a growing concern for all business and payment card companies. The increasing cases of high-profile data breaches and losses from online...

The K-12 Report: A Cybersecurity Assessment of the 2021-2022 School Year

The K-12 Report breaks down the cyber risks faced by public schools across the country and is sponsored by the CIS (Center for Internet Security) and the MS-ISAC (Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center). Published “to prepare K-12 leaders with the information to make informed decisions around cyber risk”, the report provides a data...

Getting in Control of Financial Services Cybersecurity Regulations

Organizations in the financial sector are all too aware that their industry continues to be one of the top targets for cyber criminals. Among financial services and insurance organizations, the leading cause of breaches is system intrusion. That’s why so many cybersecurity compliance regulations have sprung up to ensure systems are kept hardened against attack. This guide will cover the main...

PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance

Maintaining compliance is a difficult job—both in scope and in practical application. Organizations need to comply with a vast array of regulations, and the number is constantly increasing. Compliance is consistently tightening; businesses and financial institutions now have to learn and dive into the new Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 4.0 requirements as the implementation...

Don’t fail an audit over a neglected annual policy review

When did you last have a light-bulb moment? For me, it was very recent. I was working with a client, supporting them in their latest Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) annual compliance assessment, and, in discussion with the Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), I had a sudden urge to challenge something we’ve all, always, believed...

ISO27001 Updates: Change is afoot

If you blinked, you might have missed it… On October 25th 2022, the new standard for the Information Security Management System, ISO27001 was released. Without fuss, and without fanfare. But, to quote a famous movie, “There was a great disturbance in the force.” ISO27001 is possibly one of the world's best-known standards for Information...

The Language of Cybersecurity Frameworks, Guidance, Regulations, and Standards

When it comes to acronyms, Technology and Cybersecurity often rival various branches of government. Technology acronyms are usually somewhat bland, amounting to little more than the arcane argot of the profession, such as SOC, SIEM, and DNS. Government, however, rarely disappoints in its inventiveness, whether it is the acronym of the Puppies...

The State of the US National Cybersecurity Strategy for the Electric Grid

The distribution systems of the U.S. energy grid — the portions of the grid that carry electricity to consumers — are growing more susceptible to cyber-attacks, in part due to the advent of monitoring and control technology and their reliance on them. However, the magnitude of the possible consequences of such attacks is not fully understood....

Tripwire Enterprise 9.0: What you need to know

Tripwire recently announced the release of Tripwire Enterprise (TE), version 9.0, Axon Agent 3.27, and TE Agent 9.0.0. While the full list of features may be viewed on our web site, as a product manager, I wanted to take some time to introduce some of the changes in this new release. What’s new in Tripwire Enterprise 9.0? The first significant...