

Security Configuration Management Use Cases: Policy Monitoring for Security

In the business world, compliance means making sure that companies of all sizes are meeting the standards set by regulatory or oversight groups in various laws and standards, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and GDPR. Sometimes, an organization will self-impose its compliance by adhering to guidance and frameworks from organizations such as NIST, ISACA,...

Developing an Effective Change Management Program

Change detection is easy. What is not so easy, is reconciling change. Change reconciliation is where most organizations stumble. What was the change? When was it made? Who made it? Was it authorized? The ability to answer these questions are the elements that comprise change management. Historically, the haste of accomplishing a task consisted of...

Beyond the Basics: Tripwire Enterprise Use Cases

Security, compliance, and IT operations leaders need a powerful and effective way to accurately identify security misconfigurations and indicators of compromise. Explore the many ways Tripwire Enterprise can protect your organization with superior security and continuous compliance.

Understanding Your Attack Surface: The First Step in Risk-based Security Intelligence

As chief information security officer (CISO), it’s now a job requirement to effectively communicate with your non-technical C-suite and board of directors—preferably not just after there’s been a breach. This is the first in a series of executive white papers designed to share strategies for reducing your attack surface risk as well as how to clearly and objectively communicate your overall security posture to non-technical executives. Download this white paper and learn about: The definition of “attack surface” — and risks associated Design goals of attack surface analytics What non-technical C-suite executives and board members want

Threat Prevention is Foundational

How proper foundational controls help block today’s advanced threats

Security Configuration Management

In a very real sense, IT security configurations are the proverbial “keys to the kingdom” when it comes to data protection and information security. They define system safeguards while balancing acceptable risk against the need for productivity. Hackers and attackers understand this balance all too well: the 2011 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report noted that 83 percent of successful attacks...

Tripwire Enterprise

Security, compliance, and IT operations leaders need a powerful and effective way to accurately identify security misconfigurations and indicators of compromise. Tripwire® Enterprise is the leading compliance monitoring solution, using file integrity monitoring (FIM) and security configuration management (SCM). Backed by decades of experience, it's capable of advanced use cases unmatched by other...

Bridging the IT/OT Cybersecurity Gap

With notable industrial cyber events on the rise, the 2020s are shaping up to be a challenging time for operational technology (OT) operators concerned with the safety, security, and compliance of their operational technology networks. To protect their OT environments, everyone from plant managers to CISOs is facing increased pressure to deploy effective cybersecurity solutions. However,...
Case Study

Leading Nationwide Provider of FDIC-Insured Financial Services

This nationally recognized financial solutions provider offers a set of services that enable smaller banks and other related institutions to compete with the industry’s dominant players. The company’s portfolio of FDIC-insured solutions enables its members and other key constituents to offer innovative services that otherwise might be too difficult or too costly to provide on their own. ...

Quick Guide to Modern Security Configuration Management

Security configuration management is the cybersecurity process of ensuring systems are properly configured to meet security and compliance standards, reducing cyber risk in the process. The practice of detecting and remediating misconfigurations combines elements of integrity monitoring, configuration validation, vulnerability assessment, and system remediation. "The reliability of (Tripwire...