

How FIM Protects Assets in a Borderless World

Recent advancements in the digital landscape have led to a new kind of paradigm, one where enterprise perimeters are no longer clearly defined or limited. The rapid uptake of remote working, cloud, and IoT led to these prominent shifts, resulting in users, applications, and data no longer residing exclusively within the perimeters of the enterprise....

Choosing the Right Industrial Cybersecurity Framework

It’s no surprise that industrial environments have become increasingly valuable targets for malicious behavior. The State of Security has featured many cybersecurity events across myriad industrial verticals, including but not limited to chemical manufacturing, transportation, power generation and petrochemical. Several of these industries have...

Tripwire Enterprise Use Cases – Advanced Monitoring

Many people remember where they were during historic events. Whether it is a personal, or a public occurrence, it’s just human nature to remember these significant moments. Every profession also has its share of memorable events. In medicine, those who were in the profession will remember where they were when they heard about the first heart...

Developing an Effective Change Management Program

Change detection is easy. What is not so easy, is reconciling change. Change reconciliation is where most organizations stumble. What was the change? When was it made? Who made it? Was it authorized? The ability to answer these questions are the elements that comprise change management. Historically, the haste of accomplishing a task consisted of...

Understanding Your Attack Surface: The First Step in Risk-based Security Intelligence

As chief information security officer (CISO), it’s now a job requirement to effectively communicate with your non-technical C-suite and board of directors—preferably not just after there’s been a breach. This is the first in a series of executive white papers designed to share strategies for reducing your attack surface risk as well as how to clearly and objectively communicate your overall security posture to non-technical executives. Download this white paper and learn about: The definition of “attack surface” — and risks associated Design goals of attack surface analytics What non-technical C-suite executives and board members want

Threat Prevention is Foundational

How proper foundational controls help block today’s advanced threats

Tripwire Managed Services

Today’s IT and InfoSec Executives are challenged with an ever changing cybersecurity landscape. When combined with the proliferation of new sources of information every day, it can be increasing difficult to maintain and operate technology solutions that are designed protect the organization from risk. Many IT organizations are struggling to revise processes to establish governance practices, but...
Case Study

Tripwire and Astro Making Best Practices a Daily Show

Assessing and managing vulnerabilities is a core cybersecurity practice, but it can put a heavy strain on IT security and operations teams. In many cases, introducing vulnerability management as a service is what’s necessary to overcome the challenge of accumulating vulnerabilities across complex IT environments—especially when time and resources are limited. This was the case for one mid-size U...