

5 Myths About Online Privacy

Every year has been an unfortunate year for online privacy for the past few years. Data breaches and social engineering attacks are at an all-time high, and the concept of online data privacy is challenged to its core, with millions of users being affected every month. IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report highlighted that the average data breach cost...

Integrity Monitoring Use Cases: Security

Compliance is an essential aspect of every organization, and in business terms, it entails ensuring that organizations of all sizes, and their personnel, comply with national and international regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOX. When guaranteeing compliance, many firms frequently overlook security. Gary Hibberd states that compliance...

Brace yourself – ISO27001 changes are coming

If you’re not aware already, then be prepared for change, because a new version of ISO27001 was published in October 2022! It’s all very exciting! The last change to the standard was in 2017. The changes made back then were fundamentally cosmetic, with a few minor tweaks to wording. The changes barely caused a ripple and, even today, organisations...

Keeping threat actors away from your supply chain

The supply chain is a complex environment that goes deep inside a business and involves the majority of its infrastructure, operations, personnel, and outer relations: vendors, partners, and customers. To protect that matrix is extremely difficult, as there are numerous sensitive nodes, lines, and processes that a security team has to take care of:...

New Canadian Cyberattack Data Says 80% of SMBs Are Vulnerable

If you were to take a look at the cybersecurity news cycle, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s only large enterprises with expansive customer bases and budgets that are the most vulnerable to attacks. But that’s not entirely true. Even if it’s at a much smaller scale, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) still have stores of sensitive...

Why Law Firms Should Use Integrity Monitoring to Maintain Confidentiality

Law firms owe their clients several types of duties, such as the duty of care, duty to provide competent representation, as well as other ethical responsibilities. Their duties even extend to former clients and must be upheld long after they no longer have a formal attorney-client relationship. More specifically, lawyers have a duty to not disclose...

What the industry wants to improve on NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework was meant to be a dynamic document that is continuously revised, enhanced, and updated. These upgrades allow the Framework to keep up with technological and threat developments, incorporate lessons learned, and transform best practices into standard procedures. NIST created the Framework in 2014 and updated it with...

Shifting Left with SAST, DAST, and SCA: Advanced Best Practices

In the past, teams incorporated security testing far after the development stage of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Security testing would influence whether the application would to proceed to production, or get passed back to the developers for remediation. This process caused delays while teams worked on remediation or, worse yet, it...

Place your budgets on the right cybersecurity for your business

As budgets start to tighten for countless businesses concerned about the potential financial winter that many are predicting, security teams across the world are reviewing where best to place their investment to ensure they get the best “bang for their buck”. With that in mind, now might be time to explore some key areas where I see organisations...

An Introduction to the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)

Cybersecurity funding in corporate environments has always been a source of anxiety for those who seek to keep organizations safe. When we examine the cybersecurity readiness of many state, local, and territorial governments, this funding struggle is taken to new heights of scarcity. Fortunately, a new program has been created by the Department of...

Integrity Monitoring Use Cases: Compliance

What is File Integrity Monitoring? The IT ecosystems of enterprises are highly dynamic. Typically, organizations react to this volatility by investing in asset discovery and Security Configuration Management (SCM). These core controls enable businesses to compile an inventory of authorized devices and monitor the configurations of those assets. In...

Stop blaming employees for cybersecurity breaches

When companies drive a wedge between their workforce and their security culture, not only do they reduce best practices, but they also increase stress and jeopardise secure behaviours. We need to stop blaming employees for cybersecurity breaches and look at the real reasons that data is compromised. Furthermore, as long as there are humans at work,...

How Is IT/OT Convergence Transforming Smart Manufacturing?

For most modern businesses, there’s a divide between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). The difference between these equally integral facets of digital manufacturing is a subject currently under debate. Ultimately, information technology deals with information and data. In contrast, operational technology handles the...

VERT Threat Alert: October 2022 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s October 2022 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-1025 on Wednesday, October 12th. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs CVE-2022-41033 A vulnerability in the Windows COM+ Event System service could allow malicious individuals to obtain SYSTEM...

Turning a Pico into a Human Interface Device (HID)

I just walked out of room 716 at SecTor here in Toronto, where I shared details on my Raspberry Pi Pico project. I’m happy that I was finally able to share this and even happier to announce that the GitHub repo is now open to the public. I won’t walk you through the code, but you can reach out to me if you have questions. So, what is the repo? As...

The State of Security: Poland

Poland is getting ready for the upcoming Presidential elections in August 2023 amidst a turbulent geopolitical and economic environment. The war in Ukraine has placed the country in the epicenter of the events, becoming home to more than 3.5 million refugees. The unprecedented energy crisis with prices soaring every day threaten to destabilize local...

4 tips to achieve Data Compliance

Data compliance is a crucial and essential factor in organizations that should be carefully followed for data management. Data compliance is more than maintaining relevant standards and regulations and ensuring that the data is secured. The substantial amount of data that is processed and used in organizations must be managed properly. All phases of...