

U.S. Utilities Targeted with FlowCloud Malware by LookBack Attackers

The digital attackers responsible for distributing LookBack malware targeted U.S. utility providers with a new threat called "FlowCloud." Proofpoint first observed threat actors attempting to spread FlowCloud in mid-July 2019. At that time, the security firm detected phishing campaigns whose attack emails employed subject lines such as “PowerSafe...

How ExpertOps Can Help You Address the Infosec Skills Gap

Are you struggling to hire skilled digital security talent in 2020? If so, you’re not alone. According to a Tripwire study on the infosec skills gap, 82% of security experts said that their teams were understaffed; nearly the same proportion (83%) indicated that they were feeling more overworked going into 2020 than they were a year prior. It doesn...

Zorab Ransomware Disguised as STOP Djvu Ransomware Decryptor

A security researcher discovered a new ransomware strain called "Zorab" masquerading as a decryptor for STOP Djvu ransomware. Michael Gillespie, creator of the Ransomware ID service, spotted Zorab being distributed as a decryptor for the STOP Djvu family. A relatively common ransomware strain, STOP Djvu was involved in various digital attacks over...

Using AWS Session Manager with Enhanced SSH and SCP Capability

Last year, Amazon Web Services announced new capabilities in the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager. Users are now capable of tunneling SSH (Secure Shell) and SCP (Secure Copy) connections directly from a local client without the need for the AWS management console. For years, users have relied on firewalls and bastion hosts in order to securely...

Phishers Use Fake VPN Config Notification to Target Office 365 Details

Security researchers observed phishers leveraging a fake VPN configuration notification to target employees' Office 365 credentials. Abnormal Security found that the campaign attempted to capitalize on the trend of organizations implementing VPNs for the purpose of securing their remote employees during COVID-19. As quoted by the security platform: ...

Contact Tracing: De-mystifying How an App Designed to Track People Can Ensure User Privacy and Security

Many governments in many countries around the world recognise that contact tracing plays a very important part to reduce the spread of the deadly disease, COVID-19. In this article, we take a look at the conventional method of contact tracking and comparing it against how technology helps contact tracing and its pro’s and con’s. Traditional contact...

The Cybersecurity Implications of 5G Technology

The coming of widespread 5G technology promises more than just faster everything, enhanced capacity and greater reliability. Leading proponents of the wonders of 5G, such as the theoretical physicist and author Michio Kaku, paint a picture of a true technological “paradigm shift, a game-changer.” The self-described futurist invites us to imagine a...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for May 2020

Tripwire's May 2020 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities from Microsoft, Adobe, SaltStack, and VMware. Up first on the patch priority list this month are patches for VMware vCenter Server and SaltStack Salt. The Metasploit exploit framework has recently integrated exploits for VMware vCenter Server (CVE-2020-3952) and...

Sandworm Team Exploiting Vulnerability in Exim Mail Transfer Agent

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) warned that the Sandworm team is exploiting a vulnerability that affects Exim Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) software. In a cybersecurity advisory published on May 28, the NSA revealed that the Sandworm team has been exploiting the Exim MTA security flaw since August 2019. The vulnerability (CVE-2019-10149) first...

NetWalker Ransomware - What You Need to Know

What is NetWalker? NetWalker (also known as Mailto) is the name given to a sophisticated family of Windows ransomware that has targeted corporate computer networks, encrypting the files it finds, and demanding that a cryptocurrency payment is made for the safe recovery of the encrypted data. ...

PonyFinal Ransomware Delivered by Extended Human-Operated Attacks

Security researchers witnessed the deployment of PonyFinal ransomware at the end of extended human-operated attack campaigns. In a series of tweets, Microsoft Security Intelligence revealed it had observed human-operated campaigns laying in wait for the right moment to deploy PonyFinal ransomware as their final payload. In their operations, the...

[F]Unicorn Ransomware Masquerading as COVID-19 Contact Tracing App

A new ransomware family called "[F]Unicorn" masqueraded as a COVID-19 contact tracing app in order to target Italian users. On May 25, the the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) from the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) revealed in an advisory that it had received a sample of [F]Unicorn from security researcher JamesWT_MHT. The sample analyzed...

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Exfiltration

Once an attacker has established access and pivoted around to the point of gathering the necessary data, they will work on exfiltration of that data. Not all malware will reach this stage. Ransomware, for example, usually has no interest in exfiltrating data. As with the Collection tactic, there’s little guidance on how to mitigate an attacker...