

Beyond the Basics: Tripwire Enterprise Use Cases

Security, compliance, and IT operations leaders need a powerful and effective way to accurately identify security misconfigurations and indicators of compromise. Explore the many ways Tripwire Enterprise can protect your organization with superior security and continuous compliance.

Zero Trust and the Seven Tenets

Whether you are new to information security, or you’re a long-time practitioner, it seems that “zero trust” is the latest initiative at the top of everyone’s priority list. Special Publication 800-207, created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers guidance for instituting a zero trust architecture. The document outlines the basic tenets that form the foundation of...

The Egypt Financial Cybersecurity Framework

Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) identified key areas of focus to tailor a cybersecurity framework to the unique requirements of the Egyptian financial sector. This framework will serve as the foundational guidance for cybersecurity capability development within this critical sector. This is the kick-off of a larger-scale effort by the CBE to build a robust and sustainable cybersecurity ecosystem...

How to Leverage NIST Cybersecurity Framework for Data Integrity

Together with the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released a series of practice guides that focuses on data integrity. Data integrity is the property that records have not been altered in an unauthorized manner. Tripwire is very proud to have contributed and...

Major Database Security Threats & How You Can Prevent Them

Organizations and businesses must use a range of measures, protocols, and tools to protect their databases from cybercriminals. If breached, malicious actors can gain access to sensitive information that they can use for financial gain. Security teams must adapt and constantly improve to protect against ever-evolving security threats, and maintain...

The State of Cybersecurity has improved but is hardly flawless

For the record, it should be acknowledged from the start that there is no question that the cybersecurity landscape has improved over time, mostly courtesy of persistent increases in cyber spending year after year. Gartner estimates that the U.S. and the rest of the world will invest $172 billion in cybersecurity this year, up from $150 billion last...

Overheard at the SANS Security Awareness Summit 2022

People have become the primary attack vector for cyber attackers around the world. As the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2022 indicates, it is humans rather than technology that now represent the greatest risk to organizations. According to the SANS 2022 Security Awareness Report, the top three security risks that security professionals...

SecTor 2022: The IoT Hack Lab is Back!

Last year, it was great to be back at SecTor after everything was canceled in 2020. The capacity was reduced, but the Hack Lab was still plenty busy and we loved having everyone come by and visit our table and play with the gear. Even more than that, we were excited to meet up with so many friends that we hadn’t seen since 2019. We’re looking...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for August 2022

Tripwire's August 2022 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities for Microsoft. First on the patch priority list this month are patches for Microsoft Office, Outlook, and Excel that resolve 4 vulnerabilities, including denial of service, remote code execution, and security feature bypass. Up next are patches that affect...

Defense in Depth: 4 Essential Layers of ICS Security

It is always said that security is never a one-size-fits-all solution. This is true not only because of the apparent infinite varieties of equipment in each individual organization, but also, and perhaps more importantly, the different ways that every organization views security. Some spend lots of time focusing on physical security, especially...

SecTor 2022: The Power of the Pico

I’m excited to share that I will be speaking at SecTor this year in the tools track. While the SecTor schedule is not yet finalized, I’m currently listed as speaking at 10:15am on October 6th. The talk, The Power of the Pico: Replacing Expensive Toys with the Raspberry Pi Pico, will cover how to use a Raspberry Pi Pico to perform BadUSB attacks....

A Traveller’s Guide to Staying Cyber safe

With the massive increase in mobile device sales worldwide, it is easy to imagine that the number of people using the internet while travelling has also increased significantly in recent years. With this growth in online activity comes a greater risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime. There are a number of steps that travellers can take to protect...

Top Phishing and Social Media Threats: Key Findings from the Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report

In today’s online landscape, it is crucial for organizations to stay on top of the threats that put their enterprises at risk. Agari and PhishLabs have put together their Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report detailing their analysis of phishing and social media attacks this quarter. The report presents statistics regarding the volume of...

FBI warns of criminals attacking healthcare payment processors

Millions of dollars have been stolen from healthcare companies after fraudsters gained access to customer accounts and redirected payments. In a newly-published advisory directed at the healthcare payment industry, the FBI warns that cybercriminals are using a cocktail of publicly-available Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and social...