

Facebook Password Stealer Pilfers Data from Wannabe Attackers

A "Facebook password stealer" is capable of covertly pilfering sensitive information from any wannabe attacker who uses it. On 3 August, a security researcher by the name of MalwareHunterTeam tweeted about the credential-collecting tool's hidden nature. The phrase "how to hack facebook...

How Is Your WHOIS?

We all get them: those notices from the ARIN WHOIS service. Whether you run a corporate website or perhaps your own blogging domain, those notices arrive reminding us to confirm our internet records. How much attention do you pay to those? Do you treat them casually, relying on the idea that everything is working so that nothing needs to be done?...

High Schooler Receives $10K Award for Reporting Bug to Google

A high school student has received a $10,000 bug bounty award for reporting a security vulnerability in Google's App Engine. Back in July, 17-year-old Ezequiel Pereira decided to use the Burp Suite graphical tool to test the web application security of Google's App Engine. He wanted to see if he could access pages protected by MOMA, a portal for...

Amber Rudd tricked by email prankster who duped White House officials

British Home Secretary Amber Rudd has been duped into sharing her personal email address with a prankster who has previously embarrassed the likes of Bank of England governor Mark Carney and Barclays boss Jes Staley, as well as Donald Trump Jr and various White House officials. Rudd, who recently courted controversy in the security industry by...

Nationwide and Subsidiary Agree to $5.5M Settlement for 2012 Data Breach

Nationwide and one of its wholly owned subsidiaries have agreed to a $5.5 million settlement for a data breach that occurred in 2012. On 9 August, the Ohio-based insurance corporation along with Allied Property & Casualty Insurance Company agreed to the "Assurance of Voluntary Compliance" (PDF) with 33 Attorneys General of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,...

New Type of Brute Force Attack on Office 365 Accounts

Sophisticated and coordinated hackers are constantly adapting and using innovative techniques to gain unauthorized access to corporate data. Recently, 48 Office 365 customers experienced exactly this kind of threat where an attacker implemented a new strategy to try to access high-level information. The brute force login attack was unique in that it...

Watch Out for Government Grant Scams, Warns FTC

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning the public to be on the lookout for scams that leverage fake government grants as lures. This type of ruse begins when an individual receives a cold call from someone they don't know. The caller informs them that they have won a grant of $14,000 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of...

Super X-Ray Vision for Vulnerabilities into Non-Running Containers

Containers can be traced back to 1979 with chroot but the advent of Docker has exponentially increased the popularity and usefulness of this technology. Any technology that becomes popular and useful also becomes a target for attacks. Containers are designed to provide isolated environments rather than full virtual machines, but they make great...

Dynamic Security in an Elastic World

I have had the pleasure of working on the latest curriculum for Tripwire University. In that capacity, I've noticed more and more interest around securing cloud environments as our customers and the market continue to move towards cloud technologies. Whether it be customers who are 100% committed to the cloud and moving all of their assets up into...

VERT Threat Alert: August 2017 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses the Microsoft August 2017 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-737 on Wednesday, August 9th. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs CVE-2017-8627 The first publicly disclosed vulnerability this month is a denial of service in the Windows Subsystem for Linux....

STIX 2.0: The Run for Technological Advantage

In 490 B.C. an important battle was fought between the Athenians and the powerful and seemingly unconquerable Persians: The Battle of Marathon. Going it alone, without the help of the Spartans, the Athenian army of about 10,000 men defeated King Darius’ army of about 35,000. Knowledge of the local geography, technological advantage and tactical...

July 2017: The Month in Ransomware

July was relatively slow in terms of ransomware. Some crooks must have been on vacation spending ill-gotten money at deluxe resorts. Well, why not? They sure can afford it. The rest were busy releasing small shoddy strains and reanimating old ones. Here’s what the month looked like in the numbers: 42 new samples went live, 33 existing ones were fine...

UK Government Issues Guidelines to Protect Smart Cars against Hackers

The UK government has published a series of new guidelines designed to protect smart cars against hackers and data thieves. The Department for Transport and the Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) created the recommendations so that organizations can use them to build safer, more secure cars as smart technology continues to...

Looking Back On SOHOpelessly Broken at DEF CON 25

DEF CON 22 was my third DEF CON and the first time ever for the IoT Village and related "SOHOpelessly Broken" contests. That year, I easily won both tracks of the competition with only a handful of hours spent analyzing and hacking routers. As anyone who’s ever attended DEF CON can tell you, there are roughly one billion options for how to spend the...

Cerber Ransomware Now Capable of Stealing Bitcoin Wallet Files

The developers of Cerber ransomware have equipped their creation with the ability to steal victims' Bitcoin wallet files. Security researchers first discovered Cerber in early 2016. Since then, the crypto-malware family has gone through at least six iterations. It's also sparked a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) platform that's raked in upwards of a...

The GDPR Adventure: A Legal Perspective

Adventure (ad•ven•ture) / ad-ven-cher / noun: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks; an exciting or remarkable experience; and enterprise involving financial risk. Origin: Old French aventure (noun), based on Latin adventurus ‘about to happen.’ There are many people who have the privilege of saying that they get paid to be...