

Staying Current With the Transportation Security Administration’s Oil and Gas Security Directives

Escalating cyberthreats in the oil and gas industry underscore the need for substantial collaboration between public and private sectors to mitigate this national security risk, and much of this responsibility falls on the shoulders of individual pipeline operators who need to comply with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Security Directive.Despite being best known for its role in...

Multi-Cloud Security Best Practice Guide

When you opt to use multiple cloud providers, you’re implementing a multi-cloud strategy. This practice is increasingly common, and can refer to mixing SaaS (software as a service) and PaaS (platform as a service) offerings as well as public cloud environments that fall under the IaaS (infrastructure as a service) category. The most common public cloud environments today are Amazon Web Services ...

Understanding Your Attack Surface: The First Step in Risk-based Security Intelligence

As chief information security officer (CISO), it’s now a job requirement to effectively communicate with your non-technical C-suite and board of directors—preferably not just after there’s been a breach. This is the first in a series of executive white papers designed to share strategies for reducing your attack surface risk as well as how to clearly and objectively communicate your overall security posture to non-technical executives. Download this white paper and learn about: The definition of “attack surface” — and risks associated Design goals of attack surface analytics What non-technical C-suite executives and board members want

Adjusting to the Reality of Risk Management Framework

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an approach to systems security management that adjusts security controls based on risk factors. The practice involves a continuous cycle of identifying new threats, choosing effective controls, measuring their effectiveness and improving system security. Federal entities need to understand and utilize RMF as...
Case Study

How Two Leading Energy Companies Protect Their Systems with Tripwire

Tripwire is best known for delivering industry-leading security solutions within enterprise IT, but did you know Tripwire is an established leader in OT environments as well? There’s more need for OT security now than ever, with energy production and distribution systems experiencing an increasing risk of cyberattack as they become remotely accessible via standard internet protocols. The energy...
Case Study

State of Minnesota

The State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Technology (OET) was established under the guidance of the Governor and the State Chief Information Officer, with a charter to deliver effective, efficient and economical government solutions. Since 2007, The State of Minnesota’s Office of Enterprise Technology has worked to develop a comprehensive enterprise security program that protects the privacy,...
Case Study

Major Banking Institution Case Study

This multinational banking institution has been around for over 100 years, dedicated to helping a customer base of over 20 million people in countries all over the world.In order to serve such a large customer base and keep financial services at competitive rates, they’ve taken advantage of the latest in cloud technology to reduce the operating costs of their IT infrastructure and outward-facing...
Case Study

Security and Compliance in Federal Agencies: 3 Tripwire Use Cases

Use Cases Ensuring compliance and minimizing Automating manual tasks and enhancing breach detection Monitoring critical assets in the public cloud Tripwire understands the security demands faced by federal government agencies. Security decision makers at these agencies aren’t only tasked with securing operations in a complex threat landscape—they also have to prove regulatory...
Case Study

Major Healthcare Provider Enhances Vulnerability Management Program

Recognized as one of the top healthcare providers in the United States, this organization employs tens of thousands of professionals spread across nearly 500 locations. The provider wins frequent awards for the quality of its services and is regularly recognized for being among one of the highest-rated workplaces in the industry. To further elevate the level of security around the vast volumes of...