

Actionable Threat Intelligence: Automated IoC Matching with Tripwire

A key security challenge is finding and rooting out malware that has already become embedded on key assets. Organizations today have myriad threat intelligence sources to leverage. However, simply getting the intelligence into your organization is not enough. Unless you have a way to operationalize myriad threat intelligence sources to make it actionable and useful, threat intelligence just...

Tripwire ExpertOps and SOX

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) requires all publicly held companies to establish internal controls and procedures for financial reporting to reduce the possibility of corporate fraud. SOX is not specific on the types of controls that are required, but points to the COBIT framework to provide organizations’ guidance on their IT governance. The Challenge Change is ever occurring in your systems...

Tripwire Cloud Deployment Services

Cloud computing has transformed business and government at an extraordinary pace by delivering business-supporting technology more efficiently than ever. The cloud has changed the way IT thinks about how to design and deliver computing technology applications and, according to Gartner, by 2015 10% of enterprise IT security will be delivered in the cloud. What if enterprises could improve IT...

Tripwire Resident Engineers

The cybersecurity skills gap can leave many organizations without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause an organization to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote...

Cloud Data Security: Implementing Smarter Cloud Security

The trend of mass migration to the cloud brings benefits like lower operating costs, easier deployability, and the flexibility of an elastic environment. However, it’s crucial to understand that the responsibility to secure your cloud infrastructure still falls on your organization. Cloud providers allow organizations to take advantage of their infrastructure, resulting in a shared model for...

10 Ways Tripwire Outperforms Other Cybersecurity Solutions

As a security professional, you’re tasked with protecting your organization against attacks, detecting threats, identifying vulnerabilities and hardening configurations. But in an increasingly crowded marketplace, how do you choose the right cybersecurity partner? From experience and technical innovation to security expertise, Fortra's Tripwire stands out from the competition. Here are 10 reasons...
Product Video

Enterprise Vulnerability Management in the Cloud

See how other organizations have simplified and automated compliance reporting processes, risk scoring and prioritized remediation efforts.

CIS Control 17: Incident Response Management

We all know that it is a question of when you will be compromised and not if you will be compromised. It is unavoidable. The goal of CIS Control 17 is to ensure that you are set up for success when that inevitable breach occurs. If an organization is neither equipped nor prepared for that potential data breach, they are not likely to succeeded in...

What Is the Role of Incident Response in ICS Security?

In recent years, cyber espionage has been growing in magnitude and complexity. One of the most common targets is Industrial Control Systems (ICS) within critical infrastructure sectors. With many organizations relying more heavily on ICS networks, there has been an increase in threats and cyberattacks aimed at these systems. Not only do these...

What Are the Benefits of Adopting the Cloud in Industrial Cybersecurity?

Cloud adoption has come a long way from its early days where corporate executives questioned the stewardship of their data. The initial suspicions of “where’s my data” have been laid to rest, as administrative tools and contractual obligations have emerged to give better visibility to, and accountability of, data custodianship. Even the capabilities...

CIS Control 09: Email and Web Browser Protections

Web browsers and email clients are used to interact with external and internal assets. Both applications can be used as a point of entry within an organization. Users of these applications can be manipulated using social engineering attacks. A successful social engineering attack needs to convince users to interact with malicious content. A...

Forensics in the Cloud: What You Need to Know

Cloud computing has transformed the IT industry, as services can now be deployed in a fraction of the time that it used to take. Scalable computing solutions have spawned large cloud computing companies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. With a click of a button, personnel can create or reset entire infrastructure...

Apple To Add New Security Alerts Following iCloud Hack

In response to the recent debacle that exposed multiple celebrities by hackers breaking into their personal Apple accounts and leaking private images on the web, Apple has stated it plans to launch additional security alerts warning users of possible intrusion.

Intrusion detection and the “kill chain”

Last week, I sat in on a briefing by a guy who calls himself “Four” who happens to be involved in intrusion detection for Facebook. He shared some interesting perspective at the Black Hat conference through a discussion of ”Intrusion Detection Along the Kill Chain.” The information Four presented is based on the work done by Eric M. Hutchins, Michael J. Cloppert, Rohan M. Amin, Ph.D of Lockheed...