

Hacker Tools Used for Good as Exposed Amazon Cloud Storage Accounts Get Warnings

Responding to the all too familiar news of compromised Amazon cloud storage, security researchers have begun leaving “friendly warnings” on AWS S3 accounts with exposed data or incorrect permissions.The misconfiguration of access control on AWS storage “buckets” has been behind numerous high profile data breaches, including Verizon, The Pentagon, Uber...

Ghosts in the Machine – OT and IT Convergence

There is a saying in cybersecurity that “Data is the new oil.” If that is true, then that oil is powering not only the economy but also industry. The term ‘Industry 4.0’ refers to the fourth industrial revolution where traditional manufacturing and industrial processes are increasingly using IT and data to the point that we’re now seeing the...

Mind the GAAP: A Lens for Understanding the Importance of the CIS Controls

Given that attacks are only increasing and there needs to be greater efficacy in how companies protect themselves, let us reference how the financial industry has created and relies on a body of standards to address issues in financial accounting as a defined comparison for Information Security. To support this argument, there is a defined contrast...

Survey: Only 39% of Orgs Have Ability to Retain Cyber Security Talent

The cyber security skills gap was a problem prior to the pandemic. In a survey of 342 security professionals released in early 2020, Tripwire found that 83% of security experts felt more overworked going into the new year compared to how they felt at the start of 2019. Tripwire asked respondents to elaborate on that sentiment. In response, almost the...

What Is NIST SP 1800-27: Securing Property Management Systems?

In 2019, the hospitality industry suffered 13 percent of all data breaches, ranking third highest among targeted industries. It was two years later when NIST released SP 1800-27: Securing Property Management Systems to help hoteliers secure their Property Management Systems (PMS) and associated patron data. The National Cybersecurity Center of...

VERT Threat Alert: May 2021 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s May 2021 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-943 on Wednesday, May 12th. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs CVE-2021-31204 Up first in the list this month, we have a vulnerability that impacts .NET and Visual Studio and could allow a...

Industrial Cybersecurity: Guidelines for Protecting Critical Infrastructure

Over the weekend, the Alpharetta-based Colonial Pipeline was hit by an extensive ransomware attack that shut down its information technology (IT) and industrial operational technology (OT) systems. Simply put, an all-too-common ransomware event targeting IT systems encouraged a voluntary shutdown on the production side (OT) of the business to...

Learn Ghidra from Your Home at Black Hat USA 2021

I am very excited to share that I will be offering my Ghidra training course at Black Hat USA 2021. As an online event, this is the perfect opportunity for Black Hat caliber training without hotel and airfare costs. Registration for "A Beginner’s Guide to Reversing with Ghidra "on July 31 and August 1 2021 is now available via the Black Hat web site...

NAME:WRECK DNS Bugs: What You Need to Know

For most internet users, there's not much of a perceivable difference between the domain name they want to visit and the server that the domain queries. That's because the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol does a good job of seamlessly routing users to different IP addresses that are all associated with a single domain name. The bad news is that...

Cybersecurity and Compliance for Healthcare Organizations

Amidst the pandemic overwhelming the capacity of many hospital systems, malicious hackers have been quick to target healthcare providers and medical agencies. These cyber-attacks have hit both the United States and Europe in recent months, serving as a reminder for organizations to closely review their information security posture during these times...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for April 2021

Tripwire's April 2021 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities from Google Chrome and Microsoft.First on the patch priority list this month are patches for insufficient input validation vulnerabilities in Google Chrome (Chromium). Exploits for these vulnerabilities have been recently added to the Metasploit Exploit...

World Password Day: Using a Passphrase to Strengthen Your Security

Human nature has shown that people re-use passwords, at least for non-work accounts that aren’t requiring quarterly changes. How can it affect your current security that you've reused an old password or passphrase from 2012? Surprisingly, quite a lot. Hashed passwords and the plain text equivalent from a breached site can be paired with your then...

Achieving CIP Compliance, NERC-Style

It’s often said that cybersecurity is hard. Anyone who has ever worked their way through the SANS Critical Controls, PCI-DSS or even something deceptively minimalist as the OWASP Top 10 knows that success in achieving these security initiatives requires time-consuming, diligent and often a multi-team effort. Now imagine amplifying that...

The Death Star’s Demise: Can You Trust Your IoT Vendors?

It was 1977, and soon-to-be-fans were greeted with a masterful score and scrolling text. Darth Vader and Princess Leia share the screen in those opening moments, and the Star Wars universe was created. Nearly 30 years later, a new film would introduce us to the events immediately preceding the “scene that launched a franchise,” but how did things...

3 Best Practices for Customizing Your Compliance Program

Most large-scale entities need to prove compliance with multiple regulatory standards. In their efforts to meet their compliance mandates, organizations could suffer a major drain on their time and resources. This possibility holds true regardless of whether they’re finance companies, retailers, manufacturers or hospitality firms. Organizations...