

Tripwire State of Industrial Cybersecurity Report

As news of cyberthreats targeting industrial environments like energy utilities and manufacturing plants continues to surface, Tripwire surveyed security professionals who work in these industries to understand how industrial organizations are protecting themselves. The survey findings revealed insights on the security professionals’ levels of concern, investment in cybersecurity, and how they are...

Meeting Multiple Compliance Objectives Simultaneously With the CIS Controls

The CIS Controls are a set of recommendations comprised of controls and benchmarks. They are intended to serve as a cybersecurity “best practice” for preventing damaging attacks. The recommendations are meant to provide a holistic approach to cybersecurity and to be effective across all industries. Adhering to them serves as an effective foundation for any organization’s security and compliance...

Industrial Cybersecurity Experts Share 14 of Their Biggest Tips and Predictions

The task of building and running an effective cybersecurity program is a major challenge for any complex organization, but those in charge of industrial control systems (ICS) have even more to figure out than their strictly-IT counterparts. How can industrial organizations overcome the cybersecurity skills gap? What about the increasingly-difficult endeavor of bringing the IT and OT sides of the...

6 Expert Industrial Cybersecurity Tips for CISOs

Digital attacks are a growing concern for industrial control system (ICS) security professionals. In a 2019 survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 88 percent of respondents told Tripwire that they were concerned about the threat of a digital attack. An even greater percentage (93 percent) attributed their concerns to the possibility of an attack producing a shutdown or downtime. Other survey...

Industrial Cybersecurity is Essential

Don’t believe there are real cyberthreats to your operations network and control systems? Data shows otherwise. Better foundational industrial cybersecurity practices can help prevent disruption to your operations and financial risk to your bottom line. ...

Tripwire ExpertOps and NIST 800-171

Federal security managers expect that most federally run systems are actively engaging with FISMA compliance for protecting federal data and systems. However, as we all know, federal information does not remain only in federally operated systems. Data and IT systems connect via the Internet and other networks for business, operations and research. Information about citizens, banking and finance,...

Tripwire Resident Engineers

The cybersecurity skills gap can leave many organizations without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause an organization to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote...

Tripwire Resident Engineers for Federal Agencies

The cybersecurity skills gap leaves Federal agencies without adequate staffing for the operation of their security tools. High turnover rates can also cause agencies to lose essential knowledge when team members leave who were familiar with the tools. To complicate matters further, the pandemic is driving the need for temporary cybersecurity support as agencies navigate new, remote work...

Improving your Cybersecurity Posture with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

There isn’t an industry that hasn’t been affected by cyber threats, and the broadcast industry is no exception. In April 2015, France’s TV5Monde was attacked, resulting in eleven of its channels going dark and its social media outlets commandeered to display pro-Islamic State messages. This was preceded by an attack on WBOC in Salisbury, Maryland, where their Twitter account and website were...

Maintaining the Security and Integrity of Electronic Health Record Systems

The value of electronic health record (EHR) systems is immense. These digital records are designed to be available anytime and anywhere, connecting healthcare providers with patient data. EHRs are a central repository of patient medical histories, medications, diagnoses, immunization dates, allergies, lab results and radiology images. With access to this accurate patient information, providers can...

10 Ways Tripwire Outperforms Other Cybersecurity Solutions

As a security professional, you’re tasked with protecting your organization against attacks, detecting threats, identifying vulnerabilities and hardening configurations. But in an increasingly crowded marketplace, how do you choose the right cybersecurity partner? From experience and technical innovation to security expertise, Fortra's Tripwire stands out from the competition. Here are 10 reasons...
Case Study

Leading Nationwide Provider of FDIC-Insured Financial Services

This nationally recognized financial solutions provider offers a set of services that enable smaller banks and other related institutions to compete with the industry’s dominant players. The company’s portfolio of FDIC-insured solutions enables its members and other key constituents to offer innovative services that otherwise might be too difficult or too costly to provide on their own. ...

Guide to Managed Cybersecurity Services

As managed services become more popular—and essential, for many—the world is on track to funnel 77 percent of cybersecurity spending toward them by 2026. But how exactly do managed security services work? Download the e-book to learn how managed services help organizations do more with less, overcome staffing challenges, and turn their attention back toward their business priorities. ...

Navigating Industrial Cybersecurity: A Field Guide

Nearly every aspect of modern life depends on industrial control systems (ICS) operating as expected. As ICS devices become increasingly connected, they also become increasingly vulnerable. By and large, commercial and critical infrastructure industrial orgs are underprepared for the digital convergence of their IT and OT environments. ICS operators need to get a robust cybersecurity program in...

What Are the Benefits of Adopting the Cloud in Industrial Cybersecurity?

Cloud adoption has come a long way from its early days where corporate executives questioned the stewardship of their data. The initial suspicions of “where’s my data” have been laid to rest, as administrative tools and contractual obligations have emerged to give better visibility to, and accountability of, data custodianship. Even the capabilities...

CIS Control 09: Email and Web Browser Protections

Web browsers and email clients are used to interact with external and internal assets. Both applications can be used as a point of entry within an organization. Users of these applications can be manipulated using social engineering attacks. A successful social engineering attack needs to convince users to interact with malicious content. A...

Delivering Electrons, Generating Data Lakes, and the Security & Privacy Considerations of Running a Modern Industrial Organization

In this episode, Patrick Miller, Founder of Ampere Industrial Security, discusses what utilities and other industrial companies need to consider when it comes to the goldmines of data they're collecting from their machines and customers. He also explains why security and privacy needs to be incorporated in these operations by design. https://open...

Design & Implementation of OEM ICS Cybersecurity Frameworks: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The cyber threat landscape today continues to pose a myriad of unique challenges. This is especially the case for industrial organizations due to factors such as aging equipment, poor design or implementation, skills gaps and a lack of visibility. These shortcomings are exacerbated by the mean time to breach detection, which continues to hover above...

Cybersecurity in Education (K-12) with the CIS Controls

Why is cybersecurity important to Education? Acknowledging recent reports of ransomware targeting educational institutions, it is no wonder that there have also been articles that attempt to lure in readers with “free” tools. What is disappointing is that these “free” tools are little more than marketing pieces that direct you to click on readily...

Forensics in the Cloud: What You Need to Know

Cloud computing has transformed the IT industry, as services can now be deployed in a fraction of the time that it used to take. Scalable computing solutions have spawned large cloud computing companies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. With a click of a button, personnel can create or reset entire infrastructure...