Find Your Best Fit: Solving the Cybersecurity Framework Puzzle


Being a cybersecurity professional means you’re regularly in charge of making complex decisions with real-world consequences, like choosing the right cybersecurity benchmarks, controls, frameworks, or best practices for your organization. Should you apply the CIS Controls, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, or something else? Without overarching industry consensus, it can be difficult to evaluate the options and understand the considerations that should factor into this process. As your ally in cybersecurity, we're here to help make tough choices like these a little easier.

Watch this webinar presented by Tripwire Senior Manager of Security R&D Tyler Reguly discussing considerations that go into picking the best framework for your organization’s goals so you can feel confident. You’ll learn tips and tricks for implementation, such as leveraging MITRE ATT&CK for mapping your security posture, performing a gap analysis, and establishing a roadmap with manageable steps. Learn how you can use automation to enforce your choices and maintain continuous compliance.

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